Tuesday, December 1, 2009
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Friday, November 6, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
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Friday, October 9, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
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... .. We asked our diplomatic corps to join the various voices that demand a regularization for all workers, voices like the Catholic Church, the Confindustria, the unions or federations Base and Anti-Racist Movement .. ...
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Photo taken from http://fetralpi.blogspot.com
... Last month, the government of Rafael Correa announced the negotiation of oil to PetroChina as a pre-sale of this resource. This mode reminds us that similar cases have occurred in the country for other governments ... ...
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"The military solution is not feasible," said the ex-Chief of Southern Command, General James Hill, thesis consistently insisted that social groups and governments in the region to over ten years .......... The conceptual and strategic subordination Security in the Colombian government has with respect to the thesis of the U.S. National Security and its attachment to the strategic concept of post-Cold War the "War Terrorism ", consolidated reading the whole region had to hold similar strategic thinking to the so-called Axis Bogota-Washington ...... military commanders of Ecuador, the Andean region and South America, are clear that it would be a grave mistake to get involved militarily in Colombia's conflict, either directly or through the strategy of "Anvil and hammer down on Ecuador, Panama and Venezuela for a decade. .... |
Why Does My Cat Touch My Face
Photo Alessia di graffiti Leonello-press- Updated made on 23 July at 19.05 (time Rome). According to the latest information such adjustment is within the Bill Anti-crisis to be discussed in Parliament these days. According to information requirements that we see in the above article has a tax increase of at least € 20,000 from the employer who lives alone and a minimum of € 25,000 to a family. repeat that until now, there is nothing official about the amnesty. We will have to await the approval of the Anti-crisis.
Almost everything is decided, but it is important noted that the regulations for the Sanatoria may be modified, just in time for the church to expand its demand of condoms for all, given that many of these people already have their families here and would be unfairly discriminated against |
Friday, August 14, 2009
Brown Blood Seasonique
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Chicken Fox Feed Game
The essence of the Security Act passed in Italy
Already many articles and news in the world have made known the new laws, rules and regulations come into force in Italy, reported that changes be made in the various fields that develop immigrants in this country is a land with a strong anti-fascist and racist, that even were embodied in the principles of the Italian Constitution, that based on the work and in the anti-fascism.
The information is coming to town, talk of a "package racist ", many politicians in Italy have also made reference to the racist laws generated-in the year 1937 - by the government of Benito Mussolini, finally talking about a return of fascism.
This law is a law of security over all individuals of Italian society, 96 paragraphs (including three articles) changing laws, only 30 are specific to migration.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Funny Things For A Wedding Card
Cuba reaffirms once again that no return to the OAS
act of peculiar significance in Historically, the OAS has just bury the shameful formal resolution in 1962 that excluded Cuba from the Inter-American System.
That decision was disgraceful, illegal, contrary to their own purposes and principles enunciated in the Charter of the OAS. It was, in turn, consistent with ...............
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Behind The Green Door Preview
Monday, June 1, 2009
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flatly rejected the policy of the government of "citizens' revolution"
Base - Puyo May 30, 2009
the Shuar, Achuar, Shiwiar, Huaorani, Kichwa, Ando, \u200b\u200bZápara, Siona, Secoya, Cofan in within their Parliament Ordinary Congress of Nationalities of the Ecuadorian Amazon, represented 400 Parliamentary Officers Unit Ancestral Nations set for constitution of autonomous governments in their territories, which guarantees the Sumak Kawsay - Shiira Pujustin - Good Life, according to Self-Determination, pursuant to Constitutional Rights and International Instruments on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples ; to declare these premises.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
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QUITO. President Rafael Correa was in the capital's airport to his Venezuelan counterpart Hugo Chávez.
(The universe Sunday 24 May)
The Venezuelan president's plane landed at the airport Mariscal Sucre, the capital, at 16:05 yesterday. The president of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, brought a picture of the heroes of the Battle of Pichincha.
After receiving the greeting and the ministers Rafael Correa in Ecuador, Chavez went against the command of the Military School and walk past the press joked. "This is the bravest troops," he said, the comment drew a smile to Correa.
Before leaving the Palacio de Carondelet, the two leaders came to the microphone provided to the media.
"We are here to work for the welfare of our peoples, to assess these joint projects (...) come to work for this great country, "said President Correa.
colleague congratulated him on his last election victory and, recalling Eloy Alfaro, Jose Marti, Simon Bolivar, Manuela Cañizares-emphasized the cooperation between the two countries.
"They told us our freedom: the home is one country and large. And we are determined to have a homeland, "he said Chavez told the audience.
Outside the air base, some two hundred people chanted "Chávez is, Yankees no! ". Five red flags with the sickle, hammer and star, belonging to the Communist Youth of Ecuador (JCE), stirred.
Among the crowd were also members of the Association of Parents of scholarship recipients Ecuadorians in Cuba and the Venezuelan government's plan for free eye operations to low-income Ecuadorians patients. "Thank you, President Chavez. Welcome, "read the sign of the latter.
Friday, May 22, 2009
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(Newspaper El Comercio, Quito, May 22, 2009)
Luz Muñoz, 77, runs her house with the help of a cane. He lives in the area of \u200b\u200bPlaya de Fatima, in the canton cañarense Bible. Four of their six children reside in New Jersey, USA.
One, Isael Calle, 48, who lives in that country for 25 years, during which time he worked in construction, mechanics, cleaning ... A year ago he bought a truck to have direct contracts.
borrows in USD 138 000. For six months he had several contracts and paid $ 13 800, but the crisis has changed that picture. Two months ago
Muñoz received a call from her son, who said with concern that sells two properties purchased in the Bible, one hectare each. She advised him not to do it is the only heritage he has and should care.
But more often called collectors to Street, who insisted on the sale. At the end got a buyer, who paid $ 20 000 for a property. That has reduced the debt until you exit a contract.
A week ago, Street called again for another property is sold. "I do not want to return the dump truck because if you do lose all the money they canceled," says the woman who cries when think of your child's situation.
She tries to mortgage the land to send more money. "I expect a response from the bank."
A similar case is the migrant Johnny Urgiles, 33, who has lived 15 years in San Francisco (USA). He bought a plot of 250 square meters in Bible and now wants to sell.
His mother, Teresa Mejia, 59, knows that the situation of his son, who worked in the construction industry is complicated. "You can not find work for four months." Urgiles
unwilling to return because it says in the Bible not get employment and if you get paid a pittance, "says her mother, who also tries to undermine the good of his son.
The head of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Carlos Marx Carrasco, told Radio Quito that Ecuador is a phenomenon started back in remittances. The emigrant asked to sell their properties and send money to countries where they reside. The cause is the global crisis.
That I said about the increase in revenue from the tax on currency outflows.
These revenues reached USD 53.95 million in the first four months of 2009, while during the same period in 2008 were 8.7 million. Carrasco said that not only the migratory phenomenon explains this increase, but multiply Biblián cases.
Cabrera's daughter Rosa, 75, married the immigrant Ramiro Espinoza, who took her to New York. For seven months the construction business went down and her daughter, Alexandra Abad, calls to tell you that "her husband could not get jobs."
They had a house that was sold at USD 85 000 and the crisis was leaving them without money for food. " According to Cabrera, his daughter intends to return with money to set up a poultry farm.
Humberto Cordero, former president of the Chamber of Construction of Cuenca, 15 known cases of sales Cuenca property belonging to migrants and the cause is the crisis. "They are unemployed and need money to live."
According to Cordero, the value of the properties of migrants is down 50%. "The houses or land are in rural areas and there are no basic services." ----------------------------------------------
Sunday, May 17, 2009
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----------------- (From www.eluniverso.com)
One hundred delegates from public and private unions met yesterday and announced a nationwide mobilization for May 20 to reject the Executive Decree 1701.
According to the leaders, the president's decree Republic affects the rights of workers to organize and collective bargaining agreements.
The second day of protest will be on May 27, when they meet in Quito for a protest march to the Constitutional Court, which raise the unconstitutionality of the decree. Also go to Carondelet to demand corrections to the Government.
These two events will be the prelude to a national strike, said Santiago Yagual, president of the United Workers Front. The strike date will be defined in a convention that is 30 May.
In the public sector collective agreements 21 privileges will be removed automatically with the signing of the decree Executive 1701.
During yesterday's meeting, held with representatives of the Confederation of Workers of Ecuador, General Union of Workers of Ecuador and others, decided to sue the unconstitutionality of Decree 1701 and the third provision of office 8. Messiah Tatamuez
leader urged Ecuadoreans to defend the right to life, the organization and collective bargaining. "Workers reject all anti-worker policies of the government of Rafael Correa, decrees and regulations issued against the working class."
announced that over the next few days, submit a complaint to the International Labor Organization (ILO) concerning violations of the rights of workers covered by the Constitution.
Earlier this month, Correa said that it was an unlawful administrative workers have been included in previous collective agreements, which set great benefits.
Friday, May 15, 2009
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Guayaquil, May 14, 2009.
Revolutionary Process .- The public authorities are constantly reminded that this is a transparent government and one of the dogmas that repeated is that "forgive and forget the social level, is called impunity "
How it helps the revolutionary process:
is archived for embezzlement trial against members of the AGD.
That the Superintendent of Banks, on 23 March this year, has issued Resolution No. 2009-1269 JB, allowing no charge is part of delinquent debts to the banks closed. That
without the ill-fated resolution AGD certain debts have been restructured to 30 years and have lowered the interest.
Today in an interview with the superintendent of banks sought to dispel these doubts by TROPICANA radio interview, but it was not possible because as soon as I started submitting my question was cut off directly with the official.
Ecuador, judicial paradise .- El Universo newspaper in its issue dated May 9, 2009 reported: Maria Aguirre reported that last Monday was assaulted in Baquerizo Moreno and Father Aguirre, by an individual who pointed a weapon, when expect the change of light. The thief said he did "with infinite love, for the country and is all."
believe that this thief was grateful for the reforms to the penal codes, and pardons to drug dealers, conducted by the assembled revolutionaries should also be grateful for some thieves white collar.
disagreement with the outcome of elections candidate .- The prefect of Guayas, architect Pierina Correa, has made public their dissatisfaction with the election count process, has already submitted evidence to the President of the National Electoral Council (CNE .) The candidate stated that the purpose of your claim is that it respects the will of the electorate regardless of the application. I am sure in the next few hours will be announced by the CNE of important resolutions to achieve the much desired transparency in this convoluted electoral process.
I see they are identical, the claim of the architect Pierina Correa, with the colonel Lucio Gutierrez, wait and see if both claims being equal, produce equal results.
President warns of impunity .- In this section, TODAY newspaper in its issue of May 6 this year reported the following statement of our President Rafael Correa regarding the case Filanbanco "Let's be very careful because the tentacles still of corruption, the rotten oligarchy in this country, the influence of these rogue bankers violate justice, influence and anything could happen "to receive the punishment they deserve."
I wonder
The words of the Chief Executive of Ecuador have been influenced judges in this case.
sentenced in absentia to be involved in this trial began, for falsification of balance sheets in June 2000 but in March 2003 it turned to embezzlement.
When given the facts would be established in the trial of bank embezzlement.
What is the degree of responsibility of the temporary administrators of the liquidators, the Superintendent of Banks and the General Managers of the AGD, in the amount of equity deficit of Filanbanco.
- Nicholas Brown Bigwww.elnico1962.spaces.live.com
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
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fought for Native
Indigenous leader dies in Ecuador Transit Amaguaña a hundred years
The Ecuadorian Transit Amaguaña recognized advocate for indigenous rights in this Andean country, died Sunday at 100 years age in his hometown Pesillo.
EFE "The loss of a leader in its 100 years, left as an inheritance to his people his unwavering struggle for land, water, education for their sons and daughters," the organization said Indian in a statement.
Humberto Cholango, president of the Ecuarunari
recalled that along with other personalities, Amaguaña started "the fight against the agrarian oligarchy and the recovery of land, bilingual intercultural education, to regain their dignity and rebellion of the indigenous movement."
Amaguaña added that Transit was repeatedly imprisoned by the government "accused of guerrilla warfare, only to reclaim the rights to their communities."
May 11, 2009
Transit Biography Amaguaña
Internet Writing
Cayambe, Ecuador
Pesillo Amaguaña born near Cayambe north of Quito. According to his biographers, was born in 1909, but the leader claimed that although he could not prove it was in 1903, ie 106 years ago. As a child knew the hard work of their parents on the estate of the employer, where he met Huasipungo pain, where blows were required to work for men and women throughout the week. Therefore, his rebellion and his efforts to end it.
knew of the need for land to plant and wanted to conquer it, and soon understood that the union of the Indians would be the strength of their race and agricultural unions first emerged in Ecuador. In 1931 he participated in the creation of these agricultural organizations in the country in 1931 in the first strike of agricultural workers and Olmedo Foundation
Although at age 14 forced her to marry an older man, the marriage did not last long, because her husband did not want to join the struggle of indigenous peoples. Traffic Amaguaña learned to read and write in your trip to Cuba, because the country was banned education for indigenous people in the middle of last century.
Among his travels, Amaguaña was arrested when he returned from the Soviet Union because she was accused of arms trafficking in Russia. It was also questioned by attending meetings of the fledgling Communist Party and was active in protests. Also managed the repayment of their true huasipungos owners, the Indians who worked for years on the land without pay.
Monday, May 11, 2009
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May 11, 2009
Teachers now mobilizing around the country
A 122 000 teachers, grouped in the National Educators Union (UNE), will go to the streets to protest the implementation of the system of assessment and accountability. Mery
Zamora, president of the UNE, said that teachers keep on fighting until the Ministry of Education announced a correction on the evidence of teaching evaluation.
In Quito, the teachers will meet at 10:30, school Mejia to start the protests by the Ministry agreement number 025, which regulates the implementation of the system of evaluation and accountability.
"We reaffirm our position of need. We call for the establishment of a comprehensive assessment process to the education system, "he said.
Zamora, who claimed to be protests in the country's 24 provinces.
UNE's president also confirmed his "position to confront and defeat the claims of the Education Minister Raul Vallejo, who, she says, seeks "to dismiss the Magisterium Ecuadorian their jobs. That makes "attack on our stability and constitutional guarantees," he said. War of words
Education Minister warned of sanctions for teachers who are absent from their work and explained that the assessment is part of a process that aims to improve public education at all levels.
This ad was rejected by Zamora, who said that "only he knows how threatening and that Vallejo is going to kick out the teachers. However, he never accountable to anyone for any inability and ineffectiveness that led to the failure in solving the problems of education in this country, "he said.
Zamora said that teachers do want to be evaluated, but in the process of training and updating.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
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Of all the presidential candidates come into play only 4 to go to an eventual second round, ie Correa Gutierrez, Roldós and Noboa.
"Second Round? , we question every poll, based on those who put the unknown candidate Correa at the top of the previous elections was a surprise to him in the second round with Noboa. Polls fail for only two reasons people surveyed do not tell the truth about how you'll vote or not tell pollsters the truth people, simple is not it, in either case, the survey results are false.
With this experience, he is not sure that President Correa is not it? a runoff, even more so when you know that a large segment of the middle class who support him are questioning the social base of outlaws that overthrew Lucio Gutierrez is not welcomed Correa's brother is doing the same thing that by Gilmar Gutierrez with oil, trade-say in our country, this good of all Ecuadorians as his business quietly and be enriched, questioning why the Government of the Revolution Citizen "does not nationalize the oil and continue with private contracts even related to Isaiah or the same group of Febres Cordero.
in this election will only be able to quantify the weight of the "strategic retreat" from Alberto Acosta, a party to those voters who take this away as a warning about those who are owners are in MPaís (recently disbanded groups Gustavo Larrea and Alvarado's) and on the other hand the indigenous sector has as a reference to Alberto Acosta, the indigenous sector and questioned the action taken by Correa in Dayuma and applauded the "withdrawal" by Monica Centerline (
The other concern of President Correa has to be the electoral sector believed that the fight against the party-
The others who did not vote to Correa will be deceived of the famous "Elementary", they do not clean of fraud and fratricidal struggles in MPaís, as it emerged in all media accusations back and forth . In this sector also did not vote for those who say Correa in Guayas is "Tongan" to win again as Mayor Nebot, which was why did not your sister Correa candidate for this dignity but Ms. Duarte
With this first thinking aloud, do not think our candidate on the outside, put a finger so badly chosen, 35 lists MPaís, are jumping up and chomping on the victory. In this country our closest Ecuadorian immigrants, we evaluated the management of the Government of concrete on the immigration issue, the change seen so far, unlike the time of the Ambassadors and Consuls of the party-
The last point in my thinking out loud, this management SENAMI
The development of "Human Migration Act ... ..", it is committing the same error, with "projects" and NGO's can not develop a real policy that serves the entire community, the failure of European countries in this area is clear, the past 20 years are only to serve the users of foreign labor, these things should review our "migrantólogos" to be applied to the immigrant communities of Peruvian, Colombian, Chinese living and work in Ecuador.
Throughout this discussion, this time I do not vote by mail or 35 lists, that if he wins and I think we still win, everything will stay the same, is the continuity of what we have lived these two years, and Assemblymen that will do the same again, raise his arm and nothing else, that it was hand-picked and compliant to the owners of the finger that I chose. They will not be who, if not hear them, shouting our demands and we legislate for comprehensive civil registration services abroad, or advocates for our business claims in which we work, or houses of migrant teachers who teach English, Quechua, history, geography, customs, cuisine, culture india, Afro-Ecuadorian, or psychologists. Assembly to legislate allowing investment of immigrants, penalizing corruption of customs, to allow the creation of Banco del Migrante, self-administered relevant stakeholders, to allow the Renaissance ECUADORIAN PLANE or flag carrier , which has the major social shareholders passengers, immigrants and their families are strengthened as an instrument of national postal parcels, and that when negotiating giving our radio-television communication is obliged to give these trans- special rate phone calls countries of destination of migrants. Vote for people who pledged to continue to be elected immigrants themselves and raise your voice to listen to us. Piñaloza vote for Edgar, Patricia de Ventimille, Sandra Lovato and my comrade in arms Ortiz Wilson 29-50 lists POLO RED-DEMOCRATIC.
National Assemblymen to vote for Monica Chuji, to be with the struggle of the Indians, or Fernando Villavicencio is applauding the theft allegations that the Correa government is doing with oil.
vote for president Martha Roldos and Eduardo Delgado, and I'm still left and I do not think those are Strap revolutionaries, nor have the courage to beat
Edgar Cifuentes Bayardo Galiano.
Passport: 1706752548
Resident in Rome-Italy since 1994.
popular self-appointed overseer of the management of consulates and the embassy
Other email: edgargaliano@gmail.com
or MFAM-Italy, migrants and family Movement of Ecuador in Italy: mfamitalia@gmail.com
or on the blog: www.mfamitalia.blogspot.com
Friday, April 24, 2009
Mt Tamalpais Sleeping Lady
The Coalition for Migration and Refuge, an interagency, plural and democratic organizations made up of church, society and academia as part of its responsibility to civil society, met to inform the organizations, associations, networks and individuals working for the promotion and defense of human rights of persons in situations of mobility, which has canceled the political agreement with the State Ecuador to the development of the comprehensive bill of human mobility to Ecuador.
This decision is based on a progressive and serious reflection on all measures and restrictive governmental actions and regressive nature of rights in the field of human mobility, which correspond to a logic of securitization and make visible the lack of political conditions ensure the commitment of State with respect to the Ecuadorian Constitution and the construction of a bill framed in the defense and promotion of the rights of people opting for mobility.
strongly challenged inconsistencies between state discourse of recognition of mobility rights, universal citizenship, that no human being is illegal, and a separate one, a government practice that limits the rights of immigrants and refugee who is or intends to enter our country, and generate processes of stigmatization and xenophobia. Paradoxically, this government policy reproduces the same patterns of exclusion and restriction adopted by the North against our countrymen.
Other measures we are particularly concerned: the restoration of the requirement of the judicial apostille for the Colombian population, the operations aimed at the deportation of foreign population increased militarization of the border areas, reform of the Registration Act 3301 and Expanded lack of effective mechanisms for oversight and public participation in this process, the absence of effective measures to promote broad and general process of adjustment, and the possible declaration of state of emergency in the province of Esmeraldas. Established leave that to restore collaborative action between the State and all organizations in the coalition, it is necessary to amend these measures.
publicly thank the professionals in charge of drafting the law, in an act of consequence and ethics with their personal and professional principles, submitted his resignation on April 15, and reaffirm our commitment to drive a separate process construction of a proposed Law on Human Mobility from civil society, ensuring, promoting and defending the rights of people opting for mobility.
expressly note that we remain vigilant against the validity of the rights of people living in mobility and support and implement all the guarantees that allow effectuate their rights.
For more information:
Coalition for Migration and Refugee
Alexandra Moncada
Technical Secretariat (E)
e-mail: amoncada@yahoo.com //--> This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled
Telfs: 2500-808 - 2504163
Saturday, April 18, 2009
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Reviews: Correa - the highest stage of neoliberalism
René Báez
The most recent guidelines and decisions of the government of Rafael Correa has come to emphasize concerns as we stated in the balance the first year of the self-Citizen Revolution (www.alainet.org/active/25357&lang=es).
It will be recalled, Correa won the majority of the voting membership in the runoff of 2006-including, of course, the virtually unanimous support of leftist parties and other anti-forces and organizations for their commitment to bury the liberal model schizophrenia (state welfare for the rich, the poor state minimum) , institutionalized in Ecuador from the Christian Democratic administration of Osvaldo Hurtado (1981-84).
Beyond the rhetoric of "five revolutions" announced in the heat of the presidential campaign, political, economic, ethics, education / health and international relations, "dismantle the neoliberal institutions meant / supposed to implement a set of actions aimed, first, to defend national sovereignty and economic policy, and secondly, to specify programs to express a relative autonomy of the domestic productive apparatus. (See our study "Overcoming the neoliberal fundamentalism?" Www.paginadigital.com.ar/articulos/2007/2007prim/noticias/fundamental).
Moreover, note that the escalating international oil prices resulting mainly from the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, and the bulging foreign exchange remittances of emigrants, supplied economically viable alternative to that model tax American scale by international finance capital and its local partners since the establishment of fascist regimes in the Southern Cone in the early 70's.
As already hinted, the government and its citizens revolutionary correísta have been increasingly moving away from their definitions of nationalist stamp, and Latin American popular and, by this route, approaching pernicious to the interests and dictates of foreign monopoly capital and native. Tests singing. Contradictory
defense of political sovereignty
The slaughter of Angostura and reflexes
diplomacy Citizen Revolution is exhibiting the same traits of ingenuity, improvisation, common short-termism and defection that have characterized the Foreign Ministry over its history.
For example, compared to the Colombian military incursion on March 1 in the Amazon province of Sucumbios operating state terrorism that resulted in the slaughter of more than two dozen militants or sympathizers of the FARC, including the commander Raul Reyes, the Carondelet reaction resulted in a vehement but decontextualized complaints to the bloody facts. Ie neither the Chancellor nor Correa Maria Isabel Salvador took the violation of territorial sovereignty of the country and its bloody wake as a correlate of geopolitics designed Washington and implemented in the Andean subregion to collaborating in the Colombian narco-democracy. What we refer in particular? Essentially
that, if on the one hand, the denunciation of the bombing in the remote village Angostura, where several governments and guerrilla referred tuned for details on the release of Ingrid Betancourt and other hostages in the hands of that guerrilla group-triggered a hemispheric crisis that led to the rupture of relations with Colombia's Alvaro Uribe as the Bolivarian Venezuela and Nicaragua's Sandinista Ecuador itself as well as recognition by the Rio Group and the OAS of the violation of our sovereignty; secondly, Quito ads take the case to the International Court at The Hague or to suspend trade with the northern neighbor never went beyond the level of words. This order of attitudes between warm and serpentine has led to the current occupant of the Palace of Nariño online resume its aggressive and intimidating, and, through the use of computers "on demand" of Reyes, start trials under law and jurisdiction Colombian government officials even against Correa.
The failure to understand that the events of Angostura had as its backdrop the hypocritical war against "narco" promoted by George W. Bush to criminalize dissidents of corporate globalization-whether they be armed insurgents, indigenous and peasant leaders, Christian liberationist political opposition parliamentarians, intellectuals, environmentalists, human rights defenders, etc .- has determined that the Carondelet continue its string of errors and / or defections.
This pattern of diplomacy Country Partnership scheme to illuminate just an event of dire consequences. We refer to the adoption and implementation by Correa and his Interior Minister Fernando Bustamante, the sarcastically named Project Liberty, a program of electronic eavesdropping and mounted with funding and advice Americans and, on the pretext of spying on drug dealers, would be turning to Ecuador in a real police state. The official justification for the consummation of the attack on national sovereignty and privacy of citizens could not be more pilgrim and despicable. According to official spokesmen, such a project should not worry anyone, as identical devices are in full operation in Colombia's Uribe and Peru's Alan Garcia. Only have lacked extensions that correspond to these latitudes of the Patriot Act imposed by the warmongering Bush Jr. after the memorable 11-S.
One of lime and sand another
If, on the one hand, it was plausible that in August, the United States Ecuador notify its decision not to renew the agreement for surrender of the Manta Base to the Pentagon, from November next year, on the other, has continued to arouse perplexity silence Palace Najas on the resolution of the White House, hailed by Bogotá, to reactivate the Fourth Fleet, including atomic aircraft carrier to patrol the coasts of Latin America and the Caribbean. Preserving
dollarization: a suicide bid
The ability to issue a single currency, set its value against other currencies and determine its movement in accordance with a national strategy is an inherent attribute of sovereignty and economic policy of a country.
Rafael Correa emerged onto the political stage as an opponent to "dictocrat" Lucio Gutiérrez and critic of dollarization unconstitutional Mahuad prepared by early 2000, which resulted in a bank holiday, a "yard" in Argentine slang, and endorsement on the State ie the taxpayer-encryption of a robbery at 8,000 million dollars.
In the campaign for the presidency in 2006, the Country Alliance leader reiterated his complaints against the measure ultraneoliberal and liquidation of the domestic productive apparatus. Already installed at Carondelet, however, wasted no opportunity to emphasize that, throughout his four years, kept the U.S. dollar as official currency "Ecuador."
What is the explicit renunciation of monetary sovereignty? How to explain the sudden presidential vocation an exchange rate fixed? What internal consequences and external relations of this nationalism "dollarized"? What lies ahead for the foreseeable future?
Pablo Dávalos, a researcher and professor at the Catholic University of Quito, responds to concerns that warrant a study entitled "Ecuador: the forbidden debate", where points:
Since 2000, when dollarization was imposed, his mission has been to be undermining the country has destroyed the small peasant production, endangering the most basic food supplies. It has destroyed the small and medium industrial production, causing unemployment and loss of income to thousands of families. Crazy has the price system to distortions that have multiplied by ten to the basket in less than a decade and has destroyed the purchasing power of wages currently only covers less than a third of the basket. Has caused a deep unequal exchange between rural and urban areas. It has promoted a consumerist drift is reflected in the largest deficit commercial in the history of the country a hidden deficit by high oil prices. Has caused a huge migration of Ecuadorians in search of work abroad. Has polarized the concentration of income to the extent that the richest 20% of the population has more than 50% of national income while the poorest 20% fails to participate or 4% of national income. Has encouraged rent-seeking behavior of middle sectors of the population, and demand for care in the poorest. It has transformed the domestic financial market is now charging excessive interest rates in dollars, and encourages capital flight and external borrowing aggressive private sector, that process reminiscent of the seventies led to the crisis of external debt ... These facts show us an economy in meltdown and a fractured society, and a monetary system that is beginning to make water and whose collapse , more than imminent, seems closer than we would like ... (1)
further explains:
Dollarization is not just a monetary system that provides certainty for business decisions in the short and medium term, but is the center of gravity of the neoliberal model. And the neoliberal model is not reduced to a set of recommendations on fiscal policy, but the readjustment of the relations power for the benefit of finance capital. (2)
In plain language, this implies that if it gets out of dollarization, and in an orderly manner, no change of economic model possible. Think differently, as do both the traditional right ("partidocrática") and right correísta and oenegés, involves the Big Lie that Ecuadorian society is currently experiencing.
Moreover, far from implementing an alternative to fixed exchange rates and the legacy neoliberalizante, Carondelet and grotesque revolutionaries have been pushing a regressive formula between these structural problems of patronage and revived colonialism. What do we refer?
resources particular to the feast of oil, mining and environmental, including the privatization of PETROECUADOR (3); to IIRSA bets and recommended by the binomial transgenic Bush-Lula da Silva, trade and financial openness, negotiations recolonized with the European Union, the deferral when hell freezes over Ecuador's accession to ALBA, the alignment with Colombia and Peru within the CAN (betraying the Bolivia of Evo Morales). In short, the self-locking on a strategy of systematic and productive autonomy adoption of lumpenacumulación regression model and to describe André Gunder Frank almost half a century.
Articulo tomado de la pagina web: www.migrantesecuador.org
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
What Is The Pathophysiology Of Cervical Cancer
Yours sincerely the "Movement for Democratic RED Polo Europe", 29-50
campaign proposals:
1. Law Reform
is necessary to propose such a reform because for more than a decade that is when the migration process begins to establish itself in the country, came watching the management of so-called "consular delegations" have come to be questioned, because of its lack of effectiveness for the lack of transparency in its management.
consular delegations, as its name implies should be natural extensions of the Ecuadorian state abroad, with specific functions of protection, and protection of citizens living outside the country.
For this reason, we propose a democratization of the management of these consular offices abroad, to include personnel trained migrant and resident host of different states, so that prior to analysis depth of his resume, can become part of the staff of customer service and excellence.
The analysis of the CVs of potential candidates have to be by merit Contest, and supported by a specialized academic prestige, which will determine the validity, right, and validity of the projects that the significant group of migrants with serious intentions and planned to participate in the elections of April 26, 2009.
2. Standardization Document Management
is known throughout the migrant group, the serious difficulties that arise when obtaining certain official documents abroad, is hampered by serious malfunctions in addition to providing a service, not worry about a limitless collection, not report income.
In this regard failed to understand how we have determined the species-specific values \u200b\u200band service, without affecting the time and the need for procedures, based on ease of obtaining and without necessarily being directly affecting the effective operation and management of these delegations abroad.
So our proposal based on the establishment of direct mechanisms that establish the management and transaction costs such as documents (passports, certificates Consular legalization of foreign documents, powers of attorney, etc.), so we want to note that several delegations from other countries consular specific contributors of immigrants to Spain do not provide these items and otherwise facilitate and encourage the production of such documentation.
It is also important to computer equipment and use new technologies accessible and cost so that it can support the reduction of costs of the collection.
Ever since the rise of the arrival of the immigrants to various European countries (1999 - 2003), statistical studies have been conducted to determine the universe that makes up this process of mobilizing people, all conclude that over 50% of people who have migrated, have estudiosn or who have obtained professional training in countries of origin, in the case of Ecuador, many of these professionals have been dashed his intentions able to exercise their profession because of administrative and bureaucratic obstacles that must be overcome in order to obtain the coveted recognition of studies abroad, these problems are causing many migrants are unable to access employment and wage improvements, because it is framed in so-called "unskilled labor" resulting in a consequent unemployment and frustration later.
We are seeing that in the process of global crisis which we are going through, that the first cause that has been indirectly affected the immigrant community, has been for his lack of preparation and training, yet can be determined that if these procedures were simpler and more flexible, the vast majority of compatriots may have access to better jobs abroad and this in turn would improve their position in a vibrant society and eager for trained manpower and skilled.
For this reason our proposal is based on the establishment of a dialogue and consensus among the various ministries of education in our country and foreign countries to develop rules to facilitate and expedite the process of recognition of qualifications obtained in Ecuador. To
que exista un acceso regulado y normalizado a los distintos sistemas educativos y de formación profesional que existen.
Este tipo de acuerdos bilaterales deben enmarcarse dentro de las políticas de relaciones exteriores que mantenga el Ecuador, obteniendo vínculos entre los denominados flujos migratorios y los países receptores de esta migración.
4. De
De un tiempo atrás, venimos observando como el colectivo de ecuatorianos residentes en el exterior ha pasado de ser únicamente a group of people who have chosen to leave their homeland in search of better prospects has become part of all political programs and projects in our Ecuador, is how to assign such importance that on the other hand is fair and comes to our later approach, which was designed and created as a campaign proposal of the current government, a National Secretariat for Migrants, as an information and public participation in which their compatriots who reside outside of Ecuador can obtain and access all kinds of actions informational, formational, collaborative, eligibility, etc. Proposals
after a period of not more than 1 year have not yielded the expected and otherwise, have failed to understand the migration process, resulting in only, misinformation and a waste of public resources without providing a large margin the group what they really want, which is unity, representation, cultural diffusion and progress ..
is why we propose, not a disappearance of this secretary, or the houses of Ecuador on the outside, because if made public spending has been immense and has involved the use of these resources on behalf of migrants, but we believe necessary to conduct a process reengineering, and restructuring of the functions for which it was created the Secretary, we are aware that being a secretary of state has to provide a useful and concise, in this case to the group of migrants, not only be a white elephant that no information and in many cases unknown to much of this group.
reengineering this Department has to come from the hand of an audit, from which we can determine the usefulness or lack that the Secretary has thrown in their time of creation and operation.
is necessary for this Department, restructure their action plans and redesign many of the projects at hand, as none of them so far has had the desired effect within of Ecuadorians living abroad, a group to which this management is addressed.
The renewal has to be among its new guidelines to assign new responsibilities in areas as strategic to Ecuador, such as promoting tourism, cultural diffusion, the rights of migrants, this may only be conducted if is included in the new strategic plans and delegations of several public statements such as: CIVIL REGISTRATION
Only in this way, we can obtain an entity that can fulfill their duties in the service of migrants, by facilitating access to all aid schemes or processes for the group of migrants, we need quality representation and to propose systems for winners population, we recommend you do this change of course as soon as possible to prevent the investment of public money made, to date its intended effect and that on the contrary, there is a gap over financial losses for our country. .
5. De
The consumption crisis currently battering the country's first world, but to provoke an escalation in unemployment and increase the number of unemployed within the migrant group, is also leading to new processes directly related to current the inability to meet financial obligations assumed in good times, these obligations are private financial entities within each host country but in the current economic crisis being debated in the globalized world is directly attacking family income of our migrants, we must take account of such obligations in most cases include abusive clauses that have benefited only the banks that facilitated this irresponsible borrowing.
This process of "persecution" to which we subject many compatriots, should have a response and an immediate effect from our political leaders.
We must use the new country's constitution to include an amendment of the articles which stipulates the protection of all Ecuadorians expressed inside and outside our borders, all through the constitutional commission added.
It is necessary to provide such protection to all migrants are in the process of default or foreclosure, as stated in the Ecuadorian civil procedure code, interpreting the acquisition of rights by fact and law. Clarifying
such action is understood only if those financial obligations are related to the acquisition of a family home in the home countries of migrants.
It is also important that these procedures are applied at the earliest so that only in this way, the return policies that are to be implemented may have the effect desired.
6. Policy for Voluntary Return.
Many of the social policies that have been proposed for migrants have always lacked effectiveness for various reasons, including that they never took into account the voice of those directly involved, are not that all compatriots who live abroad.
is by this that return policies have been proposed, has no validity, since we are not considering that migrants are the third contributors to the national treasury and in many cases should we be main actors of these policies.
In the case of voluntary return is important that you review all related actions, as they currently are not having the desired effect, because of its confused application, such as ignorance of the facts and forging parameters in the country, and they are not giving any positive effect for those who wish to benefit from these proposals. Return
plans have never been defined, and valued in any way to fairly and with the migrant could right back to its origin in a proper and dignified.
such policies need to be redefined, taking into account that migrants if we vote.
You need an information campaign in the host countries in which they explain in a simple and concise actual procedures that migrants should be supported for that return to the country.
7. Tourism and Cultural Diffusion
Since the beginning of migration flows, proposals have been implemented have covered many important points about migrants, their concept, the reasons that forced him to leave the country and ordered a return to ground.
But we believe that it has neglected other tools to the mass exodus of fellow is due to build and rebuild, taking into account the massive presence of Ecuadorians abroad.
areas of strategic importance, will always be the development of tourism and cultural diffusion, is important when we are the first migrants of our Ecuador tourism ambassadors, promoting which is known and understood our culture, our roots and thus This will continue contributing to strengthening the rule of law with a strong appeal as tourism promotion.
For these reasons it is necessary to create a Secretariat that covers both the country's tourism promotion as cultural dissemination of our roots, to make proposals and suggest that generate employment for artisans, the development of a copyright law that protects creative artists within and outside of Ecuador and it is working with the second generation migrants processes of cultural knowledge, thereby preventing the uprooting causes not know your home means loss of cultural values.
You need to create outside spaces designated for the presentation and understanding of the cultural riches of our heritage and promote our country as a tourist route option tourist development in a spirit friendly and sustainable.
count on your support!
On April 26, do not forget to VOTE for:
29-50 List
Engineer . Piñaloza Edgar Vega, Technologist. Sonia Lovato
RED Polo Democrático Europe, Asia and Oceania.
Press Office
Red For Europe
E-mail: redpoloeuropa @ yahoo.es