Friday, May 15, 2009

Buchanan's Scotch 12 Bottle Open

Revolutionary Transit

Guayaquil, May 14, 2009.


Revolutionary Process .- The public authorities are constantly reminded that this is a transparent government and one of the dogmas that repeated is that "forgive and forget the social level, is called impunity "

How it helps the revolutionary process:

is archived for embezzlement trial against members of the AGD.

That the Superintendent of Banks, on 23 March this year, has issued Resolution No. 2009-1269 JB, allowing no charge is part of delinquent debts to the banks closed. That

without the ill-fated resolution AGD certain debts have been restructured to 30 years and have lowered the interest.

Today in an interview with the superintendent of banks sought to dispel these doubts by TROPICANA radio interview, but it was not possible because as soon as I started submitting my question was cut off directly with the official.

Ecuador, judicial paradise .- El Universo newspaper in its issue dated May 9, 2009 reported: Maria Aguirre reported that last Monday was assaulted in Baquerizo Moreno and Father Aguirre, by an individual who pointed a weapon, when expect the change of light. The thief said he did "with infinite love, for the country and is all."

believe that this thief was grateful for the reforms to the penal codes, and pardons to drug dealers, conducted by the assembled revolutionaries should also be grateful for some thieves white collar.

disagreement with the outcome of elections candidate .- The prefect of Guayas, architect Pierina Correa, has made public their dissatisfaction with the election count process, has already submitted evidence to the President of the National Electoral Council (CNE .) The candidate stated that the purpose of your claim is that it respects the will of the electorate regardless of the application. I am sure in the next few hours will be announced by the CNE of important resolutions to achieve the much desired transparency in this convoluted electoral process.

I see they are identical, the claim of the architect Pierina Correa, with the colonel Lucio Gutierrez, wait and see if both claims being equal, produce equal results.

President warns of impunity .- In this section, TODAY newspaper in its issue of May 6 this year reported the following statement of our President Rafael Correa regarding the case Filanbanco "Let's be very careful because the tentacles still of corruption, the rotten oligarchy in this country, the influence of these rogue bankers violate justice, influence and anything could happen "to receive the punishment they deserve."

I wonder

The words of the Chief Executive of Ecuador have been influenced judges in this case.

sentenced in absentia to be involved in this trial began, for falsification of balance sheets in June 2000 but in March 2003 it turned to embezzlement.

When given the facts would be established in the trial of bank embezzlement.

What is the degree of responsibility of the temporary administrators of the liquidators, the Superintendent of Banks and the General Managers of the AGD, in the amount of equity deficit of Filanbanco.

- Nicholas Brown Big


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