Reviews: Correa - the highest stage of neoliberalism
René Báez
The most recent guidelines and decisions of the government of Rafael Correa has come to emphasize concerns as we stated in the balance the first year of the self-Citizen Revolution (
It will be recalled, Correa won the majority of the voting membership in the runoff of 2006-including, of course, the virtually unanimous support of leftist parties and other anti-forces and organizations for their commitment to bury the liberal model schizophrenia (state welfare for the rich, the poor state minimum) , institutionalized in Ecuador from the Christian Democratic administration of Osvaldo Hurtado (1981-84).
Beyond the rhetoric of "five revolutions" announced in the heat of the presidential campaign, political, economic, ethics, education / health and international relations, "dismantle the neoliberal institutions meant / supposed to implement a set of actions aimed, first, to defend national sovereignty and economic policy, and secondly, to specify programs to express a relative autonomy of the domestic productive apparatus. (See our study "Overcoming the neoliberal fundamentalism?"
Moreover, note that the escalating international oil prices resulting mainly from the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, and the bulging foreign exchange remittances of emigrants, supplied economically viable alternative to that model tax American scale by international finance capital and its local partners since the establishment of fascist regimes in the Southern Cone in the early 70's.
As already hinted, the government and its citizens revolutionary correísta have been increasingly moving away from their definitions of nationalist stamp, and Latin American popular and, by this route, approaching pernicious to the interests and dictates of foreign monopoly capital and native. Tests singing. Contradictory
defense of political sovereignty
The slaughter of Angostura and reflexes
diplomacy Citizen Revolution is exhibiting the same traits of ingenuity, improvisation, common short-termism and defection that have characterized the Foreign Ministry over its history.
For example, compared to the Colombian military incursion on March 1 in the Amazon province of Sucumbios operating state terrorism that resulted in the slaughter of more than two dozen militants or sympathizers of the FARC, including the commander Raul Reyes, the Carondelet reaction resulted in a vehement but decontextualized complaints to the bloody facts. Ie neither the Chancellor nor Correa Maria Isabel Salvador took the violation of territorial sovereignty of the country and its bloody wake as a correlate of geopolitics designed Washington and implemented in the Andean subregion to collaborating in the Colombian narco-democracy. What we refer in particular? Essentially
that, if on the one hand, the denunciation of the bombing in the remote village Angostura, where several governments and guerrilla referred tuned for details on the release of Ingrid Betancourt and other hostages in the hands of that guerrilla group-triggered a hemispheric crisis that led to the rupture of relations with Colombia's Alvaro Uribe as the Bolivarian Venezuela and Nicaragua's Sandinista Ecuador itself as well as recognition by the Rio Group and the OAS of the violation of our sovereignty; secondly, Quito ads take the case to the International Court at The Hague or to suspend trade with the northern neighbor never went beyond the level of words. This order of attitudes between warm and serpentine has led to the current occupant of the Palace of Nariño online resume its aggressive and intimidating, and, through the use of computers "on demand" of Reyes, start trials under law and jurisdiction Colombian government officials even against Correa.
The failure to understand that the events of Angostura had as its backdrop the hypocritical war against "narco" promoted by George W. Bush to criminalize dissidents of corporate globalization-whether they be armed insurgents, indigenous and peasant leaders, Christian liberationist political opposition parliamentarians, intellectuals, environmentalists, human rights defenders, etc .- has determined that the Carondelet continue its string of errors and / or defections.
This pattern of diplomacy Country Partnership scheme to illuminate just an event of dire consequences. We refer to the adoption and implementation by Correa and his Interior Minister Fernando Bustamante, the sarcastically named Project Liberty, a program of electronic eavesdropping and mounted with funding and advice Americans and, on the pretext of spying on drug dealers, would be turning to Ecuador in a real police state. The official justification for the consummation of the attack on national sovereignty and privacy of citizens could not be more pilgrim and despicable. According to official spokesmen, such a project should not worry anyone, as identical devices are in full operation in Colombia's Uribe and Peru's Alan Garcia. Only have lacked extensions that correspond to these latitudes of the Patriot Act imposed by the warmongering Bush Jr. after the memorable 11-S.
One of lime and sand another
If, on the one hand, it was plausible that in August, the United States Ecuador notify its decision not to renew the agreement for surrender of the Manta Base to the Pentagon, from November next year, on the other, has continued to arouse perplexity silence Palace Najas on the resolution of the White House, hailed by Bogotá, to reactivate the Fourth Fleet, including atomic aircraft carrier to patrol the coasts of Latin America and the Caribbean. Preserving
dollarization: a suicide bid
The ability to issue a single currency, set its value against other currencies and determine its movement in accordance with a national strategy is an inherent attribute of sovereignty and economic policy of a country.
Rafael Correa emerged onto the political stage as an opponent to "dictocrat" Lucio Gutiérrez and critic of dollarization unconstitutional Mahuad prepared by early 2000, which resulted in a bank holiday, a "yard" in Argentine slang, and endorsement on the State ie the taxpayer-encryption of a robbery at 8,000 million dollars.
In the campaign for the presidency in 2006, the Country Alliance leader reiterated his complaints against the measure ultraneoliberal and liquidation of the domestic productive apparatus. Already installed at Carondelet, however, wasted no opportunity to emphasize that, throughout his four years, kept the U.S. dollar as official currency "Ecuador."
What is the explicit renunciation of monetary sovereignty? How to explain the sudden presidential vocation an exchange rate fixed? What internal consequences and external relations of this nationalism "dollarized"? What lies ahead for the foreseeable future?
Pablo Dávalos, a researcher and professor at the Catholic University of Quito, responds to concerns that warrant a study entitled "Ecuador: the forbidden debate", where points:
Since 2000, when dollarization was imposed, his mission has been to be undermining the country has destroyed the small peasant production, endangering the most basic food supplies. It has destroyed the small and medium industrial production, causing unemployment and loss of income to thousands of families. Crazy has the price system to distortions that have multiplied by ten to the basket in less than a decade and has destroyed the purchasing power of wages currently only covers less than a third of the basket. Has caused a deep unequal exchange between rural and urban areas. It has promoted a consumerist drift is reflected in the largest deficit commercial in the history of the country a hidden deficit by high oil prices. Has caused a huge migration of Ecuadorians in search of work abroad. Has polarized the concentration of income to the extent that the richest 20% of the population has more than 50% of national income while the poorest 20% fails to participate or 4% of national income. Has encouraged rent-seeking behavior of middle sectors of the population, and demand for care in the poorest. It has transformed the domestic financial market is now charging excessive interest rates in dollars, and encourages capital flight and external borrowing aggressive private sector, that process reminiscent of the seventies led to the crisis of external debt ... These facts show us an economy in meltdown and a fractured society, and a monetary system that is beginning to make water and whose collapse , more than imminent, seems closer than we would like ... (1)
further explains:
Dollarization is not just a monetary system that provides certainty for business decisions in the short and medium term, but is the center of gravity of the neoliberal model. And the neoliberal model is not reduced to a set of recommendations on fiscal policy, but the readjustment of the relations power for the benefit of finance capital. (2)
In plain language, this implies that if it gets out of dollarization, and in an orderly manner, no change of economic model possible. Think differently, as do both the traditional right ("partidocrática") and right correísta and oenegés, involves the Big Lie that Ecuadorian society is currently experiencing.
Moreover, far from implementing an alternative to fixed exchange rates and the legacy neoliberalizante, Carondelet and grotesque revolutionaries have been pushing a regressive formula between these structural problems of patronage and revived colonialism. What do we refer?
resources particular to the feast of oil, mining and environmental, including the privatization of PETROECUADOR (3); to IIRSA bets and recommended by the binomial transgenic Bush-Lula da Silva, trade and financial openness, negotiations recolonized with the European Union, the deferral when hell freezes over Ecuador's accession to ALBA, the alignment with Colombia and Peru within the CAN (betraying the Bolivia of Evo Morales). In short, the self-locking on a strategy of systematic and productive autonomy adoption of lumpenacumulación regression model and to describe André Gunder Frank almost half a century.
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