Sunday, May 24, 2009

Penis Enhancement :blog Intext:comments

Chavez calls for speeding over socialism

QUITO. President Rafael Correa was in the capital's airport to his Venezuelan counterpart Hugo Chávez.

(The universe Sunday 24 May)

The Venezuelan president's plane landed at the airport Mariscal Sucre, the capital, at 16:05 yesterday. The president of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, brought a picture of the heroes of the Battle of Pichincha.

After receiving the greeting and the ministers Rafael Correa in Ecuador, Chavez went against the command of the Military School and walk past the press joked. "This is the bravest troops," he said, the comment drew a smile to Correa.

Before leaving the Palacio de Carondelet, the two leaders came to the microphone provided to the media.

"We are here to work for the welfare of our peoples, to assess these joint projects (...) come to work for this great country, "said President Correa.

colleague congratulated him on his last election victory and, recalling Eloy Alfaro, Jose Marti, Simon Bolivar, Manuela Cañizares-emphasized the cooperation between the two countries.

"They told us our freedom: the home is one country and large. And we are determined to have a homeland, "he said Chavez told the audience.

Outside the air base, some two hundred people chanted "Chávez is, Yankees no! ". Five red flags with the sickle, hammer and star, belonging to the Communist Youth of Ecuador (JCE), stirred.

Among the crowd were also members of the Association of Parents of scholarship recipients Ecuadorians in Cuba and the Venezuelan government's plan for free eye operations to low-income Ecuadorians patients. "Thank you, President Chavez. Welcome, "read the sign of the latter.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Whippet Rucksack For Dog

sell assets Migrants

(Newspaper El Comercio, Quito, May 22, 2009)

Luz Muñoz, 77, runs her house with the help of a cane. He lives in the area of \u200b\u200bPlaya de Fatima, in the canton cañarense Bible. Four of their six children reside in New Jersey, USA.

One, Isael Calle, 48, who lives in that country for 25 years, during which time he worked in construction, mechanics, cleaning ... A year ago he bought a truck to have direct contracts.

borrows in USD 138 000. For six months he had several contracts and paid $ 13 800, but the crisis has changed that picture. Two months ago
Muñoz received a call from her son, who said with concern that sells two properties purchased in the Bible, one hectare each. She advised him not to do it is the only heritage he has and should care.

But more often called collectors to Street, who insisted on the sale. At the end got a buyer, who paid $ 20 000 for a property. That has reduced the debt until you exit a contract.

A week ago, Street called again for another property is sold. "I do not want to return the dump truck because if you do lose all the money they canceled," says the woman who cries when think of your child's situation.

She tries to mortgage the land to send more money. "I expect a response from the bank."

A similar case is the migrant Johnny Urgiles, 33, who has lived 15 years in San Francisco (USA). He bought a plot of 250 square meters in Bible and now wants to sell.

His mother, Teresa Mejia, 59, knows that the situation of his son, who worked in the construction industry is complicated. "You can not find work for four months." Urgiles

unwilling to return because it says in the Bible not get employment and if you get paid a pittance, "says her mother, who also tries to undermine the good of his son.

The head of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Carlos Marx Carrasco, told Radio Quito that Ecuador is a phenomenon started back in remittances. The emigrant asked to sell their properties and send money to countries where they reside. The cause is the global crisis.

That I said about the increase in revenue from the tax on currency outflows.

These revenues reached USD 53.95 million in the first four months of 2009, while during the same period in 2008 were 8.7 million. Carrasco said that not only the migratory phenomenon explains this increase, but multiply Biblián cases.

Cabrera's daughter Rosa, 75, married the immigrant Ramiro Espinoza, who took her to New York. For seven months the construction business went down and her daughter, Alexandra Abad, calls to tell you that "her husband could not get jobs."

They had a house that was sold at USD 85 000 and the crisis was leaving them without money for food. " According to Cabrera, his daughter intends to return with money to set up a poultry farm.

Humberto Cordero, former president of the Chamber of Construction of Cuenca, 15 known cases of sales Cuenca property belonging to migrants and the cause is the crisis. "They are unemployed and need money to live."

According to Cordero, the value of the properties of migrants is down 50%. "The houses or land are in rural areas and there are no basic services." ----------------------------------------------

Sunday, May 17, 2009

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The trade union demonstrations prepared

----------------- (From

One hundred delegates from public and private unions met yesterday and announced a nationwide mobilization for May 20 to reject the Executive Decree 1701.
According to the leaders, the president's decree Republic affects the rights of workers to organize and collective bargaining agreements.
The second day of protest will be on May 27, when they meet in Quito for a protest march to the Constitutional Court, which raise the unconstitutionality of the decree. Also go to Carondelet to demand corrections to the Government.
These two events will be the prelude to a national strike, said Santiago Yagual, president of the United Workers Front. The strike date will be defined in a convention that is 30 May.
In the public sector collective agreements 21 privileges will be removed automatically with the signing of the decree Executive 1701.
During yesterday's meeting, held with representatives of the Confederation of Workers of Ecuador, General Union of Workers of Ecuador and others, decided to sue the unconstitutionality of Decree 1701 and the third provision of office 8. Messiah Tatamuez
leader urged Ecuadoreans to defend the right to life, the organization and collective bargaining. "Workers reject all anti-worker policies of the government of Rafael Correa, decrees and regulations issued against the working class."
announced that over the next few days, submit a complaint to the International Labor Organization (ILO) concerning violations of the rights of workers covered by the Constitution.
Earlier this month, Correa said that it was an unlawful administrative workers have been included in previous collective agreements, which set great benefits.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Buchanan's Scotch 12 Bottle Open

Revolutionary Transit

Guayaquil, May 14, 2009.


Revolutionary Process .- The public authorities are constantly reminded that this is a transparent government and one of the dogmas that repeated is that "forgive and forget the social level, is called impunity "

How it helps the revolutionary process:

is archived for embezzlement trial against members of the AGD.

That the Superintendent of Banks, on 23 March this year, has issued Resolution No. 2009-1269 JB, allowing no charge is part of delinquent debts to the banks closed. That

without the ill-fated resolution AGD certain debts have been restructured to 30 years and have lowered the interest.

Today in an interview with the superintendent of banks sought to dispel these doubts by TROPICANA radio interview, but it was not possible because as soon as I started submitting my question was cut off directly with the official.

Ecuador, judicial paradise .- El Universo newspaper in its issue dated May 9, 2009 reported: Maria Aguirre reported that last Monday was assaulted in Baquerizo Moreno and Father Aguirre, by an individual who pointed a weapon, when expect the change of light. The thief said he did "with infinite love, for the country and is all."

believe that this thief was grateful for the reforms to the penal codes, and pardons to drug dealers, conducted by the assembled revolutionaries should also be grateful for some thieves white collar.

disagreement with the outcome of elections candidate .- The prefect of Guayas, architect Pierina Correa, has made public their dissatisfaction with the election count process, has already submitted evidence to the President of the National Electoral Council (CNE .) The candidate stated that the purpose of your claim is that it respects the will of the electorate regardless of the application. I am sure in the next few hours will be announced by the CNE of important resolutions to achieve the much desired transparency in this convoluted electoral process.

I see they are identical, the claim of the architect Pierina Correa, with the colonel Lucio Gutierrez, wait and see if both claims being equal, produce equal results.

President warns of impunity .- In this section, TODAY newspaper in its issue of May 6 this year reported the following statement of our President Rafael Correa regarding the case Filanbanco "Let's be very careful because the tentacles still of corruption, the rotten oligarchy in this country, the influence of these rogue bankers violate justice, influence and anything could happen "to receive the punishment they deserve."

I wonder

The words of the Chief Executive of Ecuador have been influenced judges in this case.

sentenced in absentia to be involved in this trial began, for falsification of balance sheets in June 2000 but in March 2003 it turned to embezzlement.

When given the facts would be established in the trial of bank embezzlement.

What is the degree of responsibility of the temporary administrators of the liquidators, the Superintendent of Banks and the General Managers of the AGD, in the amount of equity deficit of Filanbanco.

- Nicholas Brown Big

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Alternatives To Caulk

Fanesca Amaguaña

fought for Native

Indigenous leader dies in Ecuador Transit Amaguaña a hundred years

The Ecuadorian Transit Amaguaña recognized advocate for indigenous rights in this Andean country, died Sunday at 100 years age in his hometown Pesillo.

EFE "The loss of a leader in its 100 years, left as an inheritance to his people his unwavering struggle for land, water, education for their sons and daughters," the organization said Indian in a statement.

Humberto Cholango, president of the Ecuarunari , said: "Traffic heading Amaguaña left breast, for the indigenous movement, a huge loss and a big vacuum."

recalled that along with other personalities, Amaguaña started "the fight against the agrarian oligarchy and the recovery of land, bilingual intercultural education, to regain their dignity and rebellion of the indigenous movement."

Amaguaña added that Transit was repeatedly imprisoned by the government "accused of guerrilla warfare, only to reclaim the rights to their communities."

May 11, 2009

Transit Biography Amaguaña

Internet Writing
Cayambe, Ecuador

Pesillo Amaguaña born near Cayambe north of Quito. According to his biographers, was born in 1909, but the leader claimed that although he could not prove it was in 1903, ie 106 years ago. As a child knew the hard work of their parents on the estate of the employer, where he met Huasipungo pain, where blows were required to work for men and women throughout the week. Therefore, his rebellion and his efforts to end it.

knew of the need for land to plant and wanted to conquer it, and soon understood that the union of the Indians would be the strength of their race and agricultural unions first emerged in Ecuador. In 1931 he participated in the creation of these agricultural organizations in the country in 1931 in the first strike of agricultural workers and Olmedo Foundation the Ecuadorian Federation of Indians in 1944, with Nela Martínez and Dolores Cacuango.

Although at age 14 forced her to marry an older man, the marriage did not last long, because her husband did not want to join the struggle of indigenous peoples. Traffic Amaguaña learned to read and write in your trip to Cuba, because the country was banned education for indigenous people in the middle of last century.

Among his travels, Amaguaña was arrested when he returned from the Soviet Union because she was accused of arms trafficking in Russia. It was also questioned by attending meetings of the fledgling Communist Party and was active in protests. Also managed the repayment of their true huasipungos owners, the Indians who worked for years on the land without pay.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Why Is My Rommates Poo Black

Teachers now mobilizing around the country thinking aloud

May 11, 2009

Teachers now mobilizing around the country

A 122 000 teachers, grouped in the National Educators Union (UNE), will go to the streets to protest the implementation of the system of assessment and accountability. Mery

Zamora, president of the UNE, said that teachers keep on fighting until the Ministry of Education announced a correction on the evidence of teaching evaluation.

In Quito, the teachers will meet at 10:30, school Mejia to start the protests by the Ministry agreement number 025, which regulates the implementation of the system of evaluation and accountability.

"We reaffirm our position of need. We call for the establishment of a comprehensive assessment process to the education system, "he said.

Zamora, who claimed to be protests in the country's 24 provinces.

UNE's president also confirmed his "position to confront and defeat the claims of the Education Minister Raul Vallejo, who, she says, seeks "to dismiss the Magisterium Ecuadorian their jobs. That makes "attack on our stability and constitutional guarantees," he said. War of words

Education Minister warned of sanctions for teachers who are absent from their work and explained that the assessment is part of a process that aims to improve public education at all levels.

This ad was rejected by Zamora, who said that "only he knows how threatening and that Vallejo is going to kick out the teachers. However, he never accountable to anyone for any inability and ineffectiveness that led to the failure in solving the problems of education in this country, "he said.

Zamora said that teachers do want to be evaluated, but in the process of training and updating.