Sunday, November 28, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Match: Neolamprologus caudopunctatus Poll, 1978 Contents 5
1 .- SCIENTIFIC NAME: Neolamprologus caudopunctatus
2 .- DISTRIBUTION: Endemic to Lake Tanganyika . It is located in the southern zone, covering the entire coastline of Zambia and the southern parts of Tanzania and Congo.
3 .- HABITAT: The habitat intermediate (1), with plenty of sand mixed with rocky areas where they usually nest in cracks and crevices at depths varying between 1 and 25 meters. 4 .-
MORPHOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES: As in many other cichlids their sexual difference is not defined to be quite difficult to see with the naked eye. The only difference and that there always seems to be fulfilled is the yellow trim holding males in the tail fin and that gives us that little hint to differentiate. Because of the size we can not guide us in this case because they are practically identical.
5 .- LIKE YOUR PERFORMANCE: Like many cichlids is a good species to start with a group. It is very aggressive with their peers but that changes when a couple is formed. Then is when they show their territorial and usually do not tolerate their peers in their territory. When paired behavior between them is good and tolerance even more.
6 .- BEHAVIOR WITH OTHER SPECIES: His behavior is pretty good except when breeding, that's when they let anyone get close to great it is.
7 .- FOOD: Carnivore. The food in this small cichlid aquarium is very varied. Does not pose any problem when feeding. The cyclops, myssis, daphnia eggs, lobster, shrimp, or vegetable food for omnivores is pleasing and well accepted.
8 .- SIZE: About 3'' (around to 7.5 cm.)
9 .- PLAY: Incubator substrate, although not strictly a shell-dwelling cichlid, like to nest in shells if you need. Their behavior as parents is excellent and they spend a good temper when defending their territory and young.
11.-ACUARIO: The behavior of this species is quite tolerable even with a strong territoriality that makes a good opponent who is close to its territory. Fond of inhabiting the rocky part of the aquarium being relegated almost always has its territory. Despise not live inside a shell coming to nest there if the occasion deserves.
The choice of partners depends on the type of aquarium you are going to mount. If it is a fair sized aquarium combine well with a shell-dwelling not very aggressive behavior and be a partner. If we are able to put more species, species with similar range of tolerance, ie, which also has a bit of character that are cornered and know not like them placed in an area.
Undoubtedly, another option is to mount a specific aquarium with a large group of this species to see how they interact.
For a couple with a 60 liter tank would be ideal, there would be pretty good by themselves and could see a good performance of this kind so beautiful. If you have more liters without doubt one could choose to keep a group or else a trio with a male and a female pair.
__________ (1) Intermediate habitat. __________
1 .- SCIENTIFIC NAME: Neolamprologus caudopunctatus
2 .- DISTRIBUTION: Endemic to Lake Tanganyika . It is located in the southern zone, covering the entire coastline of Zambia and the southern parts of Tanzania and Congo.
3 .- HABITAT: The habitat intermediate (1), with plenty of sand mixed with rocky areas where they usually nest in cracks and crevices at depths varying between 1 and 25 meters. 4 .-
MORPHOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES: As in many other cichlids their sexual difference is not defined to be quite difficult to see with the naked eye. The only difference and that there always seems to be fulfilled is the yellow trim holding males in the tail fin and that gives us that little hint to differentiate. Because of the size we can not guide us in this case because they are practically identical.
5 .- LIKE YOUR PERFORMANCE: Like many cichlids is a good species to start with a group. It is very aggressive with their peers but that changes when a couple is formed. Then is when they show their territorial and usually do not tolerate their peers in their territory. When paired behavior between them is good and tolerance even more.
6 .- BEHAVIOR WITH OTHER SPECIES: His behavior is pretty good except when breeding, that's when they let anyone get close to great it is.
7 .- FOOD: Carnivore. The food in this small cichlid aquarium is very varied. Does not pose any problem when feeding. The cyclops, myssis, daphnia eggs, lobster, shrimp, or vegetable food for omnivores is pleasing and well accepted.
8 .- SIZE: About 3'' (around to 7.5 cm.)
9 .- PLAY: Incubator substrate, although not strictly a shell-dwelling cichlid, like to nest in shells if you need. Their behavior as parents is excellent and they spend a good temper when defending their territory and young.
11.-ACUARIO: The behavior of this species is quite tolerable even with a strong territoriality that makes a good opponent who is close to its territory. Fond of inhabiting the rocky part of the aquarium being relegated almost always has its territory. Despise not live inside a shell coming to nest there if the occasion deserves.
The choice of partners depends on the type of aquarium you are going to mount. If it is a fair sized aquarium combine well with a shell-dwelling not very aggressive behavior and be a partner. If we are able to put more species, species with similar range of tolerance, ie, which also has a bit of character that are cornered and know not like them placed in an area.
Undoubtedly, another option is to mount a specific aquarium with a large group of this species to see how they interact.
For a couple with a 60 liter tank would be ideal, there would be pretty good by themselves and could see a good performance of this kind so beautiful. If you have more liters without doubt one could choose to keep a group or else a trio with a male and a female pair.
__________ (1) Intermediate habitat. __________
Match: Miguel Mora. Enjoying
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Black Uy With Ear Strech
- Article: Altolamprologus calvus, Poll 1978. By Miguel Mora
- Article: In the depths of Lake Tanganyika. By Juan Molina (experiences)
- Article: One day I decided to bring me home Tanganyika ... Rocky areas. By Alex Zaragoza
- Fishroom: Creating a fishroom . By José Antonio Martín Cano ( Canohès )
- Interview: Lamprichthys tanganicanus , according to Joan Fortuny Zapata ( nerita14 )
- Match: Neolamprologus caudopunctatus . By Miguel Mora
- Video: Neolamprologus callipterus . By Alex Zaragoza
- Photos of the 5 th edition
Tiffany Towers Smoking
Edition Interview: Lamprichthys tanganicanus
Lamprichthys tanganicanus
According to Joan Fortuny (Nerita14)
BLOCK I, general description
1 .- A brief comment on the fish, impressions
My impression of this fish is not the Tanganyika cichlid is a mixture of respect for their delicacy and great interest in their behavior, in fact, have been the most joy and sorrow have given me. It is certainly kind to 'meticulous'.
2 .- Sexual dimorphism
In its adult stage the males have larger anal fin in relation to the female and a color based in fluorescent blue and yellow dots. The base is silver-blue fish. It is this basis the only female color. Moreover, the male is larger.
a male in the aquarium has led me to reach 12 cm while the largest female was about 8 cm.
3 .- Food Food
these fish with NLS Spectrum, frozen shrimp and vegetable foods great contribution. 4 .-
Reproduction Reproduction is very attractive and do in front of you without any fear, they are very brazen.
The male chooses a crack between the stones and attracts up there a female, displaying all her charms that are dancing, twisting, shaking and reflections of fluorescent colors. Once in the crack together the bodies and get into it spreading their eggs and sperm. The frequency is daily, not stop. But I must say that put a few eggs each time.
BLOCK II, behavior in the aquarium
1 .- In general, what behavior developed in the aquarium?:
are passed on from one end to another strutting before the other fellow females aquarium.
mainly occupy the 2 upper thirds of the aquarium, even if they go all. Females are more static and go in groups.
2 .- peers, how behave?:
Among males do not usually attack a lot, all struts left in between them. When you make a very obscure injuries as hatched on the backs characteristics.
males to females will spend the day courting her to go to their favorite cracks, even biting the fins.
3 .- And the others?:
With fish that occupy the area and show character behave the same as among males, but because of its susceptibility to fungus they always lose out. To ignore the other fish.
BLOCK III, personal conclusions
1 .- Habitat and company:
- What habitat is of this species and consider what kind of scenery right for them?
habitat occupies the surface but the shelter of the rocks and walls should therefore result in creating free zones decorated with large well-lit (10,000 and 20.000k) to swim, preen and eat as well as darker areas where they feel sheltered . For example, with rocks on the surface or type plants Vallisneria. It also rocks on the ground where they can spawn.
- If a community tank, with whom the would gather?.
For me the most suitable combination would not join them with fish-like surface cyprids. Otherwise much as Callochromis arenicolous , Xenotilapia and rockers spilopterus closely tied to the rock type Julidochromis , N. leleupi or N. buescheri (these with care as there may be disputes over the rocks). For example, the complex pulcher not serve me. Even the shell-dwelling may be a good choice.
really anyone who does not have their space is ignored does not seek war and his colleagues have to be "similar."
2 .- Tips and Care:
Here is where I have to emphasize that no one made my mistakes. In a community tank with the right company and with the appropriate decoration, we must note that they are very sensitive to chemicals, so it must be filtered with activated charcoal and leave the water a couple of days. This got rid of what produces lower.
also are sensitive to transport (in a refrigerator) and be out of water.
I have been raising to 60 liters in a ratio 1 / 4 without any casualties.
are also sensitive to fungi and when they find that better withstand the salt, never drugs.
must also be given a lot of movement of water filtration or pumps.
The physical and chemical characteristics for Tanganyika cichlid any surface.
3 .- Type / size aquarium: Aquarium
lengthened to alienate lands in the case of the community and with a volume depending on the partners.
For example, I had a 300L and the population consisted of Callochromis pleurospilus, Enantiopus, Eretmodus and Julidochromis and were very comfortable. Then got Cyprichromis K itumba and things went wrong.
The décor in the lake surface area in installments from 0 to 10 meters recalling create shadow areas, free zones and rocks in the background.
Miguel Mora interview with Joan Fortuny (nerita14)
Video: Enjoying
Benditozea Tanganyika
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Lamprichthys tanganicanus
According to Joan Fortuny (Nerita14)
BLOCK I, general description
1 .- A brief comment on the fish, impressions
My impression of this fish is not the Tanganyika cichlid is a mixture of respect for their delicacy and great interest in their behavior, in fact, have been the most joy and sorrow have given me. It is certainly kind to 'meticulous'.
2 .- Sexual dimorphism
In its adult stage the males have larger anal fin in relation to the female and a color based in fluorescent blue and yellow dots. The base is silver-blue fish. It is this basis the only female color. Moreover, the male is larger.
a male in the aquarium has led me to reach 12 cm while the largest female was about 8 cm.
3 .- Food Food
these fish with NLS Spectrum, frozen shrimp and vegetable foods great contribution. 4 .-
Reproduction Reproduction is very attractive and do in front of you without any fear, they are very brazen.
The male chooses a crack between the stones and attracts up there a female, displaying all her charms that are dancing, twisting, shaking and reflections of fluorescent colors. Once in the crack together the bodies and get into it spreading their eggs and sperm. The frequency is daily, not stop. But I must say that put a few eggs each time.
BLOCK II, behavior in the aquarium
1 .- In general, what behavior developed in the aquarium?:
are passed on from one end to another strutting before the other fellow females aquarium.
mainly occupy the 2 upper thirds of the aquarium, even if they go all. Females are more static and go in groups.
2 .- peers, how behave?:
Among males do not usually attack a lot, all struts left in between them. When you make a very obscure injuries as hatched on the backs characteristics.
males to females will spend the day courting her to go to their favorite cracks, even biting the fins.
3 .- And the others?:
With fish that occupy the area and show character behave the same as among males, but because of its susceptibility to fungus they always lose out. To ignore the other fish.
BLOCK III, personal conclusions
1 .- Habitat and company:
- What habitat is of this species and consider what kind of scenery right for them?
habitat occupies the surface but the shelter of the rocks and walls should therefore result in creating free zones decorated with large well-lit (10,000 and 20.000k) to swim, preen and eat as well as darker areas where they feel sheltered . For example, with rocks on the surface or type plants Vallisneria. It also rocks on the ground where they can spawn.
- If a community tank, with whom the would gather?.
For me the most suitable combination would not join them with fish-like surface cyprids. Otherwise much as Callochromis arenicolous , Xenotilapia and rockers spilopterus closely tied to the rock type Julidochromis , N. leleupi or N. buescheri (these with care as there may be disputes over the rocks). For example, the complex pulcher not serve me. Even the shell-dwelling may be a good choice.
really anyone who does not have their space is ignored does not seek war and his colleagues have to be "similar."
2 .- Tips and Care:
Here is where I have to emphasize that no one made my mistakes. In a community tank with the right company and with the appropriate decoration, we must note that they are very sensitive to chemicals, so it must be filtered with activated charcoal and leave the water a couple of days. This got rid of what produces lower.
also are sensitive to transport (in a refrigerator) and be out of water.
I have been raising to 60 liters in a ratio 1 / 4 without any casualties.
are also sensitive to fungi and when they find that better withstand the salt, never drugs.
must also be given a lot of movement of water filtration or pumps.
The physical and chemical characteristics for Tanganyika cichlid any surface.
3 .- Type / size aquarium: Aquarium
lengthened to alienate lands in the case of the community and with a volume depending on the partners.
For example, I had a 300L and the population consisted of Callochromis pleurospilus, Enantiopus, Eretmodus and Julidochromis and were very comfortable. Then got Cyprichromis K itumba and things went wrong.
The décor in the lake surface area in installments from 0 to 10 meters recalling create shadow areas, free zones and rocks in the background.
Video: Enjoying
Benditozea Tanganyika
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How Much Is 1 Mb Of Data
Canohès Fishroom of
Plumbing The sketch, which consists of drains in the wall hidden for each group of tanks with a total of 5 outlets and faucets for filling. Will fill water from a reservoir about 100 or 200L, with its filters and more. The deposit will enter water directly from the street, with his cock. As the deposit will be high, you will not need to fill the aquarium pump from the tank but by opening the tap for the aquarium, water will flow under its own weight. To empty the tanks put in each tank a pump to remove water.
All changes will go directly to a chest on the left of the staircase, with its corresponding trap to leave no smell of the pit.
I leave the sketch of how to stay more or less
Hands ...
This is the room where it is mounted into the Fishroom
was making drains here, but I did finish the bottom and connect them with each other and has the chest. I also put the corrugated electrical installation and I lined the wall. Still a few chunks to put, as I have to remove the water meter and pass on the street.
Once completed the entire installation tubes for light, water drains and covered the wall, I started to work with the lining of the walls, use of red brick and plaster ceiling, pictures of how it looks.
In these photos I had finished the stairs and cleaned the bricks Taco quitacemento and then I tried with a waterproofing liquid. And I can only put the deposit, and some details of carpentry as Wood put a border around the ceiling and put the flashing of the door and you will see some details below.
After finishing the dirty work is work, began with shipments of tanks and other, first of all commissioned an iron table where would your 1500L new aquarium. Fair
under the table in the holes that are 2 aquariums will be one of 450l and 550l another
The table is lined with wood and aquariums around, only see the glass front of the aquarium and then paint it in walnut wood. And on top of each aquarium its doors and all that.
Once the table began to shipments of tanks, the first was the 440L and 550L and the famous drum-500l aquarium, see a short video of how it goes, now begins the best ...
Photography and Video Mounting
Canohès article and video: Alex Zaragoza
Enjoying Tanganyika
copyright ©
visited the fishroom of Canohès
In this edition we give way to an elaborate fishroom which will see how to set up step by step. He studied at millimeter and after a great work of our Canohès friend already has run its fishroom .
I leave with him ....
My name is José Antonio Martín Cano (Canohès), I have 31 years and am a true lover of Tanganyika. Cichlids of Lake took about 6 years and every day fascinate me more.
From childhood I have drawn much attention have aquariums, but it was not until I left my parents house when I bought my first aquarium, 80l, which got a bit of everything. Of this more than 10years ago.
currently keep all my tanks Tanganyika species, always trying to give them a good maintenance to be as comfortable possible. And the latest of the latest has been to build a room for my tanks so they would be best, and I think I succeeded. I hope to enjoy these magnificent species for a long time.
it all began ....
I leave with him ....
My name is José Antonio Martín Cano (Canohès), I have 31 years and am a true lover of Tanganyika. Cichlids of Lake took about 6 years and every day fascinate me more.
From childhood I have drawn much attention have aquariums, but it was not until I left my parents house when I bought my first aquarium, 80l, which got a bit of everything. Of this more than 10years ago.
currently keep all my tanks Tanganyika species, always trying to give them a good maintenance to be as comfortable possible. And the latest of the latest has been to build a room for my tanks so they would be best, and I think I succeeded. I hope to enjoy these magnificent species for a long time.
it all began ....
Plumbing The sketch, which consists of drains in the wall hidden for each group of tanks with a total of 5 outlets and faucets for filling. Will fill water from a reservoir about 100 or 200L, with its filters and more. The deposit will enter water directly from the street, with his cock. As the deposit will be high, you will not need to fill the aquarium pump from the tank but by opening the tap for the aquarium, water will flow under its own weight. To empty the tanks put in each tank a pump to remove water.
All changes will go directly to a chest on the left of the staircase, with its corresponding trap to leave no smell of the pit.
I leave the sketch of how to stay more or less
Hands ...
This is the room where it is mounted into the Fishroom
was making drains here, but I did finish the bottom and connect them with each other and has the chest. I also put the corrugated electrical installation and I lined the wall. Still a few chunks to put, as I have to remove the water meter and pass on the street.
Once completed the entire installation tubes for light, water drains and covered the wall, I started to work with the lining of the walls, use of red brick and plaster ceiling, pictures of how it looks.
After going at top speed, work weekends, holidays and all those idle hours were spent in hard work by Canohès.
All this work we are seeing this done for him, an industrious and hard work will pay off soon.
Then you have some photos the room almost finished. Remained to clean the bricks with quitacemento and then treat them with a repellent.
All this work we are seeing this done for him, an industrious and hard work will pay off soon.
Then you have some photos the room almost finished. Remained to clean the bricks with quitacemento and then treat them with a repellent.
electrical installation.
In these photos I had finished the stairs and cleaned the bricks Taco quitacemento and then I tried with a waterproofing liquid. And I can only put the deposit, and some details of carpentry as Wood put a border around the ceiling and put the flashing of the door and you will see some details below.
After finishing the dirty work is work, began with shipments of tanks and other, first of all commissioned an iron table where would your 1500L new aquarium. Fair
under the table in the holes that are 2 aquariums will be one of 450l and 550l another
The table is lined with wood and aquariums around, only see the glass front of the aquarium and then paint it in walnut wood. And on top of each aquarium its doors and all that.
Once the table began to shipments of tanks, the first was the 440L and 550L and the famous drum-500l aquarium, see a short video of how it goes, now begins the best ...
Photography and Video Mounting
Canohès article and video: Alex Zaragoza
Enjoying Tanganyika
copyright ©
Where To Buy Mens Striped Dolfin Shorts
In the depths of Lake Tanganyika by John Molina. Poll calvus Altolamprologus
After the first dive and see the fish that lived in the first 5 feet, I went to investigate.
Research at the lake is most exciting. Here it is forbidden to dive alone, so you always have someone you follow, you follow, communicate, and above all by your side. Diving
only by the lake and it was a strange feeling, to top it did not forget the possibility of crocodiles and snakes and just got to get two levels of security in my dive computer because he was aware that a problem for the depth was not tell.
All this cocktail made simply walk away from the bank became an adventure.
Another thing I want to emphasize that sometimes when the music documentary from the BBC rang in my head told me so curiously Angel it. I have to confess that last night before I go, to the many and monkeys in the morning I saw the film several times and was a little influenced.
remember that the increase of depth was very slow, only saw sand, xenos, enantiopus and sand from 10 meters began Wrong Box, the sand began to see a couple of shells, a few meters other shell, in all had a couple brevis, the left behind and more sand, small Vallisneria, there were no fish, more sand and more sand in the distance began to see huge holes were tetracanthus nests, huge, all had dug up a tree, sand probably grew a huge forest of trees felled. Some nests were true works of art. Brevis that had had its shell at the edges of the nests.
I was a good time with them and here I put some photos.
take the time to comment on the water was very fast,
at that time could take two hours diving, and although it looked a moment, had long been looking fish. I kept moving
, sand, sand and more sand in the distance a group of rocks, it was really exciting, simple stones and the tension state of the excitement made everything very special. I saw my first Boulengerochromis it was only a time. This fish, no doubt, as in the film, has been the star of the trip, you can see from the pictures and you will see everything in the book of Angel.
But I kept, had little air, was 20 meters but could intrigue me, the sand was, at times and just thought I would find sand but no more stones, my first pads, my first crab, my first Synodontis, two quick shots, 25 meters and the air is running out. All emotion Smile
When you reach the ship was in the fifth hell and had to be half an hour swimming but was worth it.
These adventures I made more than once, but often the bank was so impressive that there was no time to investigate but I always left with the feeling of what lay beyond?
The Enantiopus, one of the most special moments of the trip. View is more or less normal, or Tropheus petros not you see them all over the place but occasionally you see when you go to the beach areas. But see the nest ...
At the end of the journey saw a great extension to clean nests, was evidently only a short time, minutes, hours, who had mounted the show at that site. Leave without seeing her baby had been normal and it was a lucky have experienced something very special.
all started the day before in the area fished and enantiopus xenos. Angel and I wondered several times by melanogenys fishermen. I catch one of them that were important to us and in a dive, appeared agitated, while I was in the area of \u200b\u200brocks. It taught me a huge bag with a hundred ochrogenis and drew one. I realized I was a enantiopus and I rushed after him. These guys do not know how to dive but have a physical form that is scary, and give me the athlete but had to go flat out to keep the negro and I assure you that enantiopus were not too close. When we arrived I
just saw blood in the eyes of the beating I had gotten Orzowei pursuing this, and there were a couple of enantiopus and many xenos, to go the distance I saw a bank, perhaps enantiopus but not much else. Fortunately, in the lake you forgive everything but the beating I need to stick to anything more rewarding.
The next day was similar but this time I was near the area, could have been there all morning and not seeing them, that is very, very high and 100 feet of you may be experiencing a marvel and did you find out. Daurio again my friend, I beckoned, this time with a bag full of enantiopus. New career short thank god, and there they were. That grand spectacle, hundreds of large nests, an orgy of dancing, exhibitions ... can not be explained, the music resonated more strongly than ever on your brain and it was really amazing to see the vitality that display those males.
Voices, cries for all sites, warning Angel and try to take pictures. It was impossible, the males were opened in your path, which lost the site was attacked by the other, the females were in banks, Angel appears in apnea among banks taking pictures of environment, I see him coming a couple of times and running out again, I supposed to change the lens or by the bottle and I follow mine.
An incredible experience, took some shots as I could and the rest of time I observed until I run out of air and had to return to the ship.
descended from Kigoma to Sibwesa and was measured over voyage. I always got the same parameters, the pH was around 8.8, the KH 18 and the electroconductivity not remember but I have pointed out, I think my meter 0.60 in Hanna.
These pictures are the whole process of how the picture was where Angel and I went with BM. This and other techniques allowed us to capture amazing moments. Many of the photos are crawling :-) It's hard to explain how to do the photos, it really seems impossible to get close to a fish and any photo that has quality check is less than two feet, some a few inches. Is tricky but patience, understanding the behavior of fish and a very good diving technique are the basis
interview Alex Zaragoza Juan Molina
Photo: Thanks to Juan Molina Juan Molina
Enjoying Tanganyika
copyright ©
After the first dive and see the fish that lived in the first 5 feet, I went to investigate.
Research at the lake is most exciting. Here it is forbidden to dive alone, so you always have someone you follow, you follow, communicate, and above all by your side. Diving
only by the lake and it was a strange feeling, to top it did not forget the possibility of crocodiles and snakes and just got to get two levels of security in my dive computer because he was aware that a problem for the depth was not tell.
All this cocktail made simply walk away from the bank became an adventure.
Another thing I want to emphasize that sometimes when the music documentary from the BBC rang in my head told me so curiously Angel it. I have to confess that last night before I go, to the many and monkeys in the morning I saw the film several times and was a little influenced.
remember that the increase of depth was very slow, only saw sand, xenos, enantiopus and sand from 10 meters began Wrong Box, the sand began to see a couple of shells, a few meters other shell, in all had a couple brevis, the left behind and more sand, small Vallisneria, there were no fish, more sand and more sand in the distance began to see huge holes were tetracanthus nests, huge, all had dug up a tree, sand probably grew a huge forest of trees felled. Some nests were true works of art. Brevis that had had its shell at the edges of the nests.
I was a good time with them and here I put some photos.
take the time to comment on the water was very fast,
at that time could take two hours diving, and although it looked a moment, had long been looking fish. I kept moving
, sand, sand and more sand in the distance a group of rocks, it was really exciting, simple stones and the tension state of the excitement made everything very special. I saw my first Boulengerochromis it was only a time. This fish, no doubt, as in the film, has been the star of the trip, you can see from the pictures and you will see everything in the book of Angel.
But I kept, had little air, was 20 meters but could intrigue me, the sand was, at times and just thought I would find sand but no more stones, my first pads, my first crab, my first Synodontis, two quick shots, 25 meters and the air is running out. All emotion Smile
When you reach the ship was in the fifth hell and had to be half an hour swimming but was worth it.
These adventures I made more than once, but often the bank was so impressive that there was no time to investigate but I always left with the feeling of what lay beyond?
The Enantiopus, one of the most special moments of the trip. View is more or less normal, or Tropheus petros not you see them all over the place but occasionally you see when you go to the beach areas. But see the nest ...
At the end of the journey saw a great extension to clean nests, was evidently only a short time, minutes, hours, who had mounted the show at that site. Leave without seeing her baby had been normal and it was a lucky have experienced something very special.
all started the day before in the area fished and enantiopus xenos. Angel and I wondered several times by melanogenys fishermen. I catch one of them that were important to us and in a dive, appeared agitated, while I was in the area of \u200b\u200brocks. It taught me a huge bag with a hundred ochrogenis and drew one. I realized I was a enantiopus and I rushed after him. These guys do not know how to dive but have a physical form that is scary, and give me the athlete but had to go flat out to keep the negro and I assure you that enantiopus were not too close. When we arrived I
just saw blood in the eyes of the beating I had gotten Orzowei pursuing this, and there were a couple of enantiopus and many xenos, to go the distance I saw a bank, perhaps enantiopus but not much else. Fortunately, in the lake you forgive everything but the beating I need to stick to anything more rewarding.
The next day was similar but this time I was near the area, could have been there all morning and not seeing them, that is very, very high and 100 feet of you may be experiencing a marvel and did you find out. Daurio again my friend, I beckoned, this time with a bag full of enantiopus. New career short thank god, and there they were. That grand spectacle, hundreds of large nests, an orgy of dancing, exhibitions ... can not be explained, the music resonated more strongly than ever on your brain and it was really amazing to see the vitality that display those males.
Voices, cries for all sites, warning Angel and try to take pictures. It was impossible, the males were opened in your path, which lost the site was attacked by the other, the females were in banks, Angel appears in apnea among banks taking pictures of environment, I see him coming a couple of times and running out again, I supposed to change the lens or by the bottle and I follow mine.
An incredible experience, took some shots as I could and the rest of time I observed until I run out of air and had to return to the ship.
descended from Kigoma to Sibwesa and was measured over voyage. I always got the same parameters, the pH was around 8.8, the KH 18 and the electroconductivity not remember but I have pointed out, I think my meter 0.60 in Hanna.
These pictures are the whole process of how the picture was where Angel and I went with BM. This and other techniques allowed us to capture amazing moments. Many of the photos are crawling :-) It's hard to explain how to do the photos, it really seems impossible to get close to a fish and any photo that has quality check is less than two feet, some a few inches. Is tricky but patience, understanding the behavior of fish and a very good diving technique are the basis
Photo: Thanks to Juan Molina Juan Molina
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