Saturday, November 27, 2010

Can Wet Hair Cause Sinus Infection


endemic species of Lake Tanganyika, we can locate in the south - southwest of the lake, near the rocky habitat and habitat in the transition to intermediate and sandy area of \u200b\u200bthe shores of Zambia and the Congo, sometimes at relatively shallow depths. It is a predator that it swims around 50 - 100 cm. on the substrate in search of prey.

There are three different variants of known A. calvus, the variety black, yellow variety and variety white. The holotype (1) of the species was collected at Cape Kipimbi on the border between Zambia and Congo. The morphology that we find here is called Black calvus, also known as the Pearly Compressiceps . Her body is jet black and many white-silver stain. This morph black (Black ) we can find between Tembwe and Cape Kachese. In Nkamba Bay find the yellow morph ( Yellow ) of A. calvus. In the rocky biotope between Cape Kapemba Chaitika and find the white morph or A. white calvus. Throughout their territory, the A. calvus is found in sympatry (2) with the A. compressiceps and A. fasciatus (Konings).

Regarding its morphology, it is a fish with a very flat body and high, a characteristic that allows access to very narrow cracks and crevices where you can take advantage of both the food in these areas can also find use as spawning areas with poor access. The mouth of the fish is large and elongated, much like other Altolamprologus and has also scales very hard and therefore resistant to potential predators. In fact, one of its methods of defense is just showing his side. Another thing to consider is a characteristic of this fish and that is his name ( calvus) is not nothing but lacks scales on the head and below the eye, this being (among some other) Unlike you A. compressiceps .

As far as size is concerned, we can find (in adult / semiadultos) one of the first sexual dimorphism as in captivity, males can reach about 15 cm. compared to 8 cm. more or less where it is the female. In its natural habitat, both achieved a little more size. Its growth is very slow so it will take time to reach these sizes. Reach sexual maturity at around two to two and a half years. Other data for sexing of the fish, as we said before, is that males develop more dorsal and anal fins than females. Of course, another way of sexing is:


is an incubator of substrate, ie in the wild the female will look for a crack or inaccessible cavity in which deposited eggs are fertilized by the male. Normally the female will find a place where they can enter the male to avoid possible predation. Have the right size for the male just can approach to fertilize the eggs. You can also give the spawning occurs in a shell (a Neothauma for example), so you may also be considered an occasional inhabitant of the shell beds. In fact, in captivity, will play most common in shells because it is a place that offers much more protection than any other element of the scenery we have in the tank. Produced the set, both parents will watch with great zeal the area near the start and soon, a week or so, you will see a small move in the spawning area. During the first days after birth of young, parents are good stewards of the children until they are gradually disengaging from them. The proposals, in adult individuals, are numerous, reaching between 100 and 200 eggs per clutch.

As I said, this is a predator, actually, a large predator. In the wild feeds on fry and small fish, shellfish, shrimp, etc ... by what we see, is a carnivorous fish thing in mind when we keep in our tanks because, while accepting virtually everything let him (obviously I mean safe food for cichlids Tanganyika), we must bring to your live or frozen food diet such as brine shrimp. It also predates the mouthbrooders sunsets. I refer to eggs. It is a hunter so specialized that it is capable of stealing the eggs of fish or type Callochromis Cyathopharynx for example in the nest of them when you are producing fantastic procession.

I'll finish commenting on their behavior a bit in the tank. It is an ideal fish for community Tanganyika. Although there will be while the members of the same species, a pair of calvus Altolamprologus let it to be adapted to a multitude of possible combinations but ideally will be recreating a habitat where there are rocky or through crevices, nooks and shells and combine with peers who are also quiet, as almost any lamprologuino. If we combine with mouthbrooders such as Ophthalmotilapias , Callochromis , Tropheus , etc ... there is a risk that some of the clutches (eggs in the substrate) are preyed upon. The aquarium as usual, the bigger the better but just the fish, their behavior so quiet, it's the fish that we will be able to enter (as long as semiadultos) slightly smaller in aquariums of 120 liters in later think it would be ideal.

__________ (1) Holotype . Copy that serves as a reference in the description of a species. Generally, this copy is retained and serves as a reference for future comparisons and descriptions of new species,
view source.
(2) sympatry. Geographical concordance the presence of individuals, populations or distinct species view source. __________

Article: Miguel Mora. Enjoying

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