Sunday, July 25, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
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born just a new website created by our inestimable friend Benoit Jonas , The creator of Destinantion Tanganyika and Lake map made in Heart Google is now presenting a new site called Tanganyika Destinantion TV, the web will be exclusively for videos and documentaries on Lake Tanganyika.
Here I present the first video that gives us, of course, one of the oddities of the Tribe Lamprologini, this is the Neolamprologus (Paleolamprologus) toae.
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From this year onwards we will experience different peer Fishroom and friends-Cichlids Tanganyika Magazine course will be dedicated Fishroom Lake Tanganyika. But! we also want you to participate, so if you have a Fishroom and want to publish it in the magazine, send an email to
start with the first Fishroom ...
I've been curious about the underwater world. Being very small, my parents gave me a small aquarium in maintaining all types of bugs, from the typical ornamental fish bought at the store in my neighborhood, to crabs, Gambusia, tadpoles and small helpless in capturing field trips with my father was doing. In fact, the nickname I use on the Internet is in his honor. It was Mr. menu which taught me to respect the natural environment.
Later, I got an aquarium a bit bigger. Internet and came here was when opened a new world for me and I discovered a sea of \u200b\u200bfresh water in the middle of Africa. I was enamored of Tanganyika and its evolutionary wonders. Moreover, if Darwin had given him, had fallen in love without a doubt. In this
have already spent about five years or so and it's time I took to be able to have a fully dedicated to my fish so they can be and deserve. It's a room with about ten square meters in which I spend most of my free time I have intended to aquaria (six at present).
Of these six tanks, I have two large, with 120x40 and 120x50 dedicated to arenicolous and two 80x40 and 80x35 with medium and small shell-dwelling lamprologuinos a more shell-dwelling 60x30 and a small Gambari with which I am beginning to experience other areas of the aquariums.
also say that my way of bringing the hobby has changed a lot since a while now and never tire of repeating that what we like is not the best for our fish and we do our best to try to offer a hole in the tank as close to their habitat, because its evolution is not a matter of two days or natural vagaries that can alter or change in taste or in the worst case of stupidity or ignorance. Time to change the chip and let you fill the tank or merge layers because they are fashionable colors. I recommend an aquarium with a few species and one natural niche. This will not only make we enjoy more of our fish and their natural behavior, but we'll have a bit of nature at home the closest thing to reality.
And a little more, I consider myself a nature lover and try to respect and learn from it as possible.
Fishroom: Juan Arjona (Menuito)
Photo: Juan Arjona
Video and editing: Juan Miguel Arjona and Mora. Enjoying
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How Do You Put Plugins In Simcity 4
- Article: Xenotilapia bathyphilus by Miguel Mora.
- Article: Description and classification of the genus Petrochromis (2 Part), by Jorge Bravo.
- Article: Eretmodus cyanostictus by Alex Zaragoza.
- Entrevista: Neolamprologus callipterus según Alberto Duque (riddick).
Un poco más....
- Ficha de especie: Neolamprologus leleupi , por Miguel Mora.
- Vídeo: Neolamprologus (Paleolamprologus) toae, por Benoit Jonas
- NEW!! Fishroom de Juan Arjona (menuito).
- Galería fotográfica: Neolamprologus obscurus, por Miguel Mora.
- Las fotos de la 3ª edición.
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Rare Zoo York Tech Decks
fish endemic to Lake Tanganyika cichlid belonging to the tribe and gender ectodini Xenotilapia was described as a subspecies of the Xenotilapia ochrogenys , in fact its old name was Xenotilapia ochrogenys bathyphilus , and now his name as a species is Xenotilapia bathyphilus .
In fact, in his book Ad Konings Tanganyika Cichlids in Their natural habitat (pg. 234), tells us that the X. bathyphilus was considered a subspecies of X. ochrogenys before Poll revise this genus in 1,986. Both species are, however, sympatric (1). As can be expected from its name, X. bathyphilus lives in the deepest parts of the lake, at depths ranging between 20 and 100 meters (Poll, 1956). It is very similar to X. ochrogenys and is distributed throughout the lake. The X. bathyphilus kept in aquariums for hobbyists, some labeled as X. bathyphilus , while others have received other trade names as "Isanga Xenotilapia ." Males of this variety, collected near Isanga (Zambia) have a characteristic blue-steel in the upper body and upper dorsal fin is yellow. (2)
Habitat Inhabits sandy and muddy bottoms at levels that can range between twenty and one hundred meters deep along the entire lake. His eyes betray what I say, large eyes adapted to environments deep and, therefore, very low light.
This information is key when nustros keep them in aquariums. Ideally for them (if not essential) will prepare a tank with a good base whose decoration is in a very high percentage just fine sand (eg beach) so they can spend their time foraging filtering and therefore develop normally.
On the other hand, if the substrate was talking about earlier, we can not forget the lighting. If we discussed deep living in low-light environments as yours will recreate the same thing in our aquariums. Low light and enjoy their reflections.
Features Usually reaches a size of eleven inches for males and nine or ten for females around. Silver body color females and males, although more than color highlights should talk about or iridescence in any case, once males reach sexual maturity, present on the dorsal fin very beautiful book with colors ranging from blue, yellow, orange, black, ... so much color in which we can know what we're talking variety. Also depending on the harvesting area we can see that the lips have two distinct morphs, the blue lip or lip yellow. Varieties of Isanga and Kekes are those with lip yellow while the other varieties are those with a blue tint on the lip ( blue lips). Females, by contrast, are less colorful and reach a smaller size than the male. The body is elongated, torpedo-shaped with a large, rounded head and enormous eyes, as I said before, we say that in real biotope is very little light.
is an omnivorous fish. Their diet is based on small crustaceans and invertebrates but tolerate any type of plant food. Search for food continuously filtering sand, (key data for maintenance). In the aquarium accept willingly offering quality dry food two apart of filters times a week live or frozen food.
peaceful fish that lives in small groups, it is recommended from two hundred to three hundred aquariums liter one-male groups with two or more females, although there are fans who have more than one male in those liters, fail to attack each other but they remain all day "marked" for dominating the group. This, a priori, can be very attractive from photographic point of view, but not recommended long-term stress and known bad that it makes these fish. During the breeding season may also show some aggressive with the females so it is recommended a minimum of two or three male and some small training rock to shelter them. Anyway (repeat) should give at least 60% of the tank with sand as thin as possible. The beach would be perfect.
mouthbrooders mother is the female that incubates the fantastic saves and fifteen to twenty eggs for about eighteen or twenty days. But before reaching this point, there has been a procession organized as follows:
- The macho exploits of color and wearing their best clothes, dance around the female urging her to arousal.
- Once the female comes into play, movements will be produced, either circular, or unordered (this will depend on several factors), comprising spinning the female (and in the process of excitation).
- begins the release of eggs on the sand. The male will pass over them inseminated. Then, the female will pick in his mouth and the loop is repeated until the female has released all the eggs.
whole process can be seen perfectly pictured below in the sequence that I prepared for this purpose. I do not know what happens to the program directs me to the photos (I'll keep trying). To fix it temporarily and we do not have numbered Liem (alphabetically) photos, so the clicking going from A to G to follow the logical order. Hope you like it.
In this picture we can see another incubating female (on the ninth day.) This female I took the start that we will see later in about 17 days. Comment out the fry perfectly formed, so that those who do not want to risk losing a set you know you can remove the pups from day 16 or so without problems.
In this shot we see a freshly placed, which said before that withdrew from the mother's mouth about what 17 days. We see that the babies are in perfect magazine.
After 6 days of putting out. As I said before the start took about 17 days, if we add another 6, we have in this baby making Xenotilapia bathyphilus perfectly formed 23 days.
Now let's watch a short film where we will enjoy a beautiful part of the hobby (for me the most ),... to see the fruits of what was already explained in our house. I leave to see the babies swimming freely:
Although Xenotilapia is one of the most difficult to maintain, we offer a good quality water and a weekly changes stable values \u200b\u200bas a PH that hover between 7.8 º and 8.5 º and a temperature between 24 º and 28 º maximum. Do not forget that it is a fish that usually live at great depths and although originally a tropical lake will not tolerate high temperatures well. As far as possible we will also provide a soft light so they will not bother because their eyes are designed to see in the dark.
Therefore, physical-chemical conditions specific to normal water of Lake Tanganyika on one side and the other, be clear in what habitat they come from and what caráter. The habitat is already seen, we have the character. Well, this is a very peaceful fish that will not bother other aquarium inhabitants but that it may be affected depending on which company, so here we also have to tread lightly and, unless we make a monospecific best to choose fish peaceful, quiet, and if they may not occupy the same niche. It occurs to me, for example, some Paracyprichromis . If you have a lot of water there are more options. I have them at present Benthochromis type fish , Haplotaxodon , Cyprichromis zonatus, etc ... and smoothly. Both myself and Juan Arjona (menuito), a species that has not given us problems has been Altolamprologus compressiceps .
In the network we can find different varieties or different geographical designations to discuss the same issue. At this point we almost always find a lot of trouble, for example, Burundi blue lips, blue / yellow Zambia, Zaire blue, blue neon , Kekes, Utinta yellow dorsal Chimba , Chituta , Kambimwa , M'toto , Isanga , or Kasanga Nyanza Lac.
Example of how to maintain this species in perfect condition
Then I put a couple of videos of Juan Arjona (menuito) where we can see how to maintain an aquarium monospecific (or almost) the species in perfect condition
My conclusions
After a few months with this species in my tanks, my opinion is that this is the best choice for Xenotilapia start in the group. It is a small fish, peaceful and quiet so you do not need a large facility to keep them at home. On the other hand, if we keep them as I said earlier, reproduce insurance, which for me (and I guess for all) is most rewarding. Play Xenotilapia is wonderful. Also say that (and worth while for males only), are truly stunning, this feature makes it even more if possible, more attractive to the species. Today
keep a couple in one of my tanks and I have 8 fry growth and another set that is on the way (the female incubates for 8 days) and my thought is to introduce them all in the same tank to form a large stable bank for a long time because I have it clear that one of my species will be fixed in the long term.
__________ (1) Speciation is the production of new, reproductively isolated populations. One way of speciation is speciation sympatric and sympatric speciation. This is the formation of a species without previously established a geographic barrier between populations, unlike what happens in allopatric speciation, most commonly seen as "normal." If this type of speciation is possible or not is controversial, although there is some empirical evidence and some models seem to confirm their reality. Is assumed to be given by ecological specialization, where a population occur simultaneously in different directions selective pressures, such as when a parasite begins to use a new host in the presence of the original host.
(2) Texto original: X. bathyphilus was regarded as a subspecies of X. ochrogenys before Poll revised this genus in 1.986. Both species are, however, sympatric. As can be anticipated from its name, X. bathyphilus lives in the deeper parts of the lake, and depths ranging between 20 and 100 metres have been recorded (Poll, 1.956). It bears a close resemblance to X. ochrogenys and has a lake-wide distribution. X. bathyphilus-like cichlids have been maintained in aquarists tanks, with some actually being labelled X. bathyphilus, while others have received trade names such as "Xenotilapia Isanga". Males of this form, collected near Isanga (Zambia), have a steel-blue cast on the upper part of the flank and yellow dorsal fin.
Fuentes: __________
Article: Miguel Mora.
Photo: Juan Miguel Arjona and Mora.
Video: Juan Arjona. Enjoying
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