Saturday, July 24, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Heal A Ruptured Spleen

Fishroom Juan Arjona (Menuito) 3rd Edition Content

Hi all

From this year onwards we will experience different peer Fishroom and friends-Cichlids Tanganyika Magazine course will be dedicated Fishroom Lake Tanganyika. But! we also want you to participate, so if you have a Fishroom and want to publish it in the magazine, send an email to

start with the first Fishroom ...

My name is John, I have 31 years, I'm from Tarragona and hope these lines may know me a little longer ... Always

I've been curious about the underwater world. Being very small, my parents gave me a small aquarium in maintaining all types of bugs, from the typical ornamental fish bought at the store in my neighborhood, to crabs, Gambusia, tadpoles and small helpless in capturing field trips with my father was doing. In fact, the nickname I use on the Internet is in his honor. It was Mr. menu which taught me to respect the natural environment.
Later, I got an aquarium a bit bigger. Internet and came here was when opened a new world for me and I discovered a sea of \u200b\u200bfresh water in the middle of Africa. I was enamored of Tanganyika and its evolutionary wonders. Moreover, if Darwin had given him, had fallen in love without a doubt. In this
have already spent about five years or so and it's time I took to be able to have a fully dedicated to my fish so they can be and deserve. It's a room with about ten square meters in which I spend most of my free time I have intended to aquaria (six at present).

Of these six tanks, I have two large, with 120x40 and 120x50 dedicated to arenicolous and two 80x40 and 80x35 with medium and small shell-dwelling lamprologuinos a more shell-dwelling 60x30 and a small Gambari with which I am beginning to experience other areas of the aquariums.
also say that my way of bringing the hobby has changed a lot since a while now and never tire of repeating that what we like is not the best for our fish and we do our best to try to offer a hole in the tank as close to their habitat, because its evolution is not a matter of two days or natural vagaries that can alter or change in taste or in the worst case of stupidity or ignorance. Time to change the chip and let you fill the tank or merge layers because they are fashionable colors. I recommend an aquarium with a few species and one natural niche. This will not only make we enjoy more of our fish and their natural behavior, but we'll have a bit of nature at home the closest thing to reality.

And a little more, I consider myself a nature lover and try to respect and learn from it as possible.

Fishroom: Juan Arjona (Menuito)
Photo: Juan Arjona
Video and editing: Juan Miguel Arjona and Mora. Enjoying

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