I. "The problem of historical sources and chronology:

Meaning of the word "Paleolithic.
The Paleolithic is a prehistoric stage characterized by the use of chipped stone tools, but also other organic raw materials used for various implements, bone, wood, horn, leather, fossil fidataciĆ³n: carbon 14 and potassium 40.
-Origin and evolution of mankind. Africa cradle of humanity.
To reconstruct the past of men who had not yet invented writing is only possible to rely on special investigative techniques. These techniques allow to extract information material remains left by these men.
archaeological excavation:
After literature research and field, the archaeologist gets where it supposed to find missing material remains of cultures. To achieve this, to be recorded as accurately as possible the characteristics of each finding (measurement, drawing, photography) and establish the exact sequence of the different layers of soil containing the remains.

- Paleolithic Division: lower, middle and top.
The Lower Paleolithic
* Extends from 2.5 million years ago which is the first man of the genus Homo, to 125,000 BC
* At this stage the Homo habilis and Homo Erectus.
* Instruments that produce rough, hand axes stand or bifaces.
The Middle Paleolithic
* is developed between 125,000 and 40,000 BC
* In Europe develops the Neanderthal Man.
* Improved technical fighter and lithic typology is developed (the instruments are created for specific purposes).
The Upper Paleolithic
* Covers from 40,000 BC to 10,000 BC
* created cultures are developed by Homo Sapiens Sapiens. In Europe it is mainly the culture of Cro-Magnon.
* stone tools are made with great precision and expertise. Use the bone.

Venus of Willendorf Venus of Willendorf The dates of 30000-25000 years BC and is the first sculpture that is known in human history. The figure, carved in limestone, is over 11 cm in height and represents a goddess of fertility.

Laussel Venus was carved in a cave during the Upper Paleolithic. The Great Mother announces the miracle of her pregnancy. As in the case of many Paleolithic goddesses, no defined face and its forms are abundant. In one of her hands she holds what looks like the moon as buffalo horn-shaped, dotted with patches of red ocher and with thirteen notches. His other hand indicates the pregnant belly. Signal of the ancient understanding of the relationship between lunar cycles and female fertility.

The bison can be seen in the image are just a small sample set of prehistoric cave paintings of Altamira home. Dated at more than 15,000 years old, his animalistic representations, executed with a deft stroke dominant naturalistic style and the use of color, led to the cave of Cantabria, located at the end of Santillana del Mar, received the nickname 'Sistine Chapel of Paleolithic art. "

mare, maybe pregnant, in the area known as the Sanctuary of Breuil.
The Neolithic, New Stone Age, as opposed to the Paleolithic or Old Stone Age, is one of the periods considered to be divided the Stone Age. Today, the Neolithic is defined precisely because the knowledge and use of agriculture or livestock.
- The Neolithic Revolution: LIVESTOCK AND AGRICULTURE Agriculture
immense During the Paleolithic period, the only methods practiced by humans to ensure their subsistence were hunting and gathering. But just after the Ice Age, the attitude of some human communities to their environment changed radically.
collection led to agriculture. The experience taught women that were the primary collectors, the convenience of throwing a few grains to the ground to play there. Then he discovered the usefulness of starting or cutting other plants and grains deposited on the ground. For a long time, the farmer was only with the stick and hoe technology support tools.
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