There are several theories that give this date the origin of Valentine's Day. In the Nordic countries during this period when birds pair up and mate, which is why this period is seen as a symbol of love and creation.
Some believe it is a party cristianizada del paganismo, ya que en la antigua Roma se realizaba la adoración al dios del amor, cuyo nombre griego era Eros y a quien los romanos llamaban Cupido. En esta celebración se pedían los favores del dios a través de regalos u ofrendas para conseguir así encontrar al enamorado ideal.
Some believe it is a party cristianizada del paganismo, ya que en la antigua Roma se realizaba la adoración al dios del amor, cuyo nombre griego era Eros y a quien los romanos llamaban Cupido. En esta celebración se pedían los favores del dios a través de regalos u ofrendas para conseguir así encontrar al enamorado ideal.
También, y hace muchos siglos, fue tradicional en Inglaterra la "fiesta de los valentinus", donde se elegían a hombres y a mujeres para que formaran pareja. Muchas de estas parejas se convertían en marido y mujer y conseguían la felicidad de pareja que se espera encontrar y consolidar el Día de San Valentín.
Otras fuentes centran el origen de la historia de San Valentín en la Roma del siglo III, a period in which Christianity was persecuted. In this period also prohibited marriage between the soldiers and it was believed that single men performed better on the battlefield than married men because they were not emotionally attached to their families.
is in these circumstances when there is the figure of St. Valentine, a Christian priest at such injustice decides to marry couples under the Christian ritual of the Roman eyes hidden. Valentine
takes to protect secret lovers and wedding hosting great prestige throughout the city and is called by the Emperor Claudius II to meet. The priest takes the visit for propaganda of the Christian religion and convince the emperor to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Although at first Claudius II was attracted to the religion that the Romans pursued the soldiers and the Governor of Rome was forced to withdraw, and organized a campaign against Valentine. The Roman emperor changed his mind and ordered the governor of Rome to prosecute the priest.
mission condemn the priest had to take out the lieutenant, Asterius. This, when he stood before the priest, mocked Christianity and wanted to test Valentin. He asked if I could restore sight to one of his daughters who was blind from birth. The priest accepted on behalf the Lord worked a miracle. The lieutenant and his entire family converted to Christianity but could not deliver Valentine's martyrdom. St. Valentine was executed on 14 February.
While locked up, his jailer asked to give lessons to his daughter Julia, based on lessons and hours together, Valentine fell in love with the girl. The night before his execution, he sent a farewell note to the girl in which he signed with the words "from your Valentine", hence the origin of love letters and poems sent in love today and expression Farewell "From Your Valentine", known worldwide in thousands of postcards attached Valentine.
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