Sunday, March 22, 2009

Feminine Pad Allergies



"To get really change our lives in Italy and Europe is che speak out loudly and clearly ...
and so should we. "

The 15 February, a group of immigrant citizens met in Florence, at a public meeting because we were and are convinced that only through a confrontation and a serious debate about the need to oppose with determination to the wave racist, xenophobic and discriminatory, that the Berlusconi government, has, wisely, with your ads, decrees and measures, we can make sense of the rightly protest that comes from various parts of society at this particular time. No doubt that this policy is a continuation of what started by previous governments, right and center-left who believed that satisfying the demands of that part of Italian citizenship, which is considered "doc" and looks down on those who are "different", it would be better resulatados election.

This government policy is implemented, too, to confuse the rest of the Italian population, convinced by the middle of the bombing, with the media, the existence of a terrible enemy easily identifiable among immigrants and Roma citizens. Florence decided to meet again in Rome to continue our journey, which is long: from nuetra participation in associations, trade unions and also the experience that some of us live if it is the CII (Committee immigrants in Italy). We have set ourselves the task of engaging our battles of the Italian citizenship is not considered humanly acceptable behavior and decisions taken by the government on immigration, as well as try to link to this struggle as many
We, like the millions of immigrants in the world, from the U.S. a Fortress Europe, have done our motto: "Here we are and here we were non." We are sure that only awareness, clear and convincing, you can give us the strength to defend our dignity and our role in this country. Also we believe the time has come to call men and women and Italian immigrants and Italian anti-racist resistance to build together and equip us to defend our rights, which are the rights of every man and woman who has decided not to give the go ahead the shame of a government that uses the segregation, disappearance, and conviction of the uncertainty for thousands of people, a government that insists on imposing its concept of "Italian-ness.

Our proposal is: let's meet, let's discuss our future and together build the foundation for the widest possible unity of immigrants, not to mention that only by creating organization and subjectivity to curb achieve invisibility and secrecy; can finally be protagonists of our lives and our future, we will be able to impact the social, economic and political life of this country, and we can make alliances, build coexistence and fraternity with Italian citizens. We believe this national meeting is a decisive step, to decide together what type and quality of organization or entity must Inmagine, what tools and methodologies which will be needed to get, as immigrant citizens, respect for our rights and ensuring security and social justice for ourselves and for society, of which we are an important part.

April 5, 2009
Address: Via Galileo
57 hours from 10.00 to 15.00 hours
(very near the Piazza Vittorio "and the Termini Station)
Promuovono: Cittadini Immigratie Unione Roma, migrants and their families MFAM Movimento - Ass. Everything changes Milano - Comitato Immigratie Napoli - Ass. Dhuumcatu - Lega Albanesi Illyria - Ass. Filippini Rome - Comitato Immigratie Rome - Ass. Sunugal Milano - Ass Insieme per la Pace - Ass Mosaic Intercultural - Senegalesi della Federazione Toscana - SdL inbetween - Ass. FOCSI (Roma), Ass. Bangladesh (Roma); Uai (Como), Centro delle culture (Milano), Ass. Punto di partenza, Movimento per la lotta house (Firenze), Ass. The Mastaba (Firenze), Ass. Arcobaleno (Riccione) Sunugal (Milano), FAT; Studio di mediazione 3R, Centro delle culture (Firenze), Andres Barreto (Roma); Vojslao Stojanovrc (resp. Immigrazione PRC-Torino), Mohamed Badaoui - ass. interculturale Everything Changes (Milano) ...


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