Monday, March 30, 2009

Supplements To Improve Egg Quality


Quito, March 30, 2009 PRESS RELEASE


Martha Roldós the only candidate who grows nationally

Martha Roldós presidential candidate, said that in the end all the interviewers had to acknowledge and make public his candidacy recorded an impressive growth nationally (8 points in 10days), with the stagnation of Lucio Gutierrez and Alvaro Noboa, and the unstoppable decline of Rafael Correa, who until April 26 will below 40%, said in statements to the media during his tour the provinces of Tungurahua and Chimborazo. Martha

Roldós emphasized that the country's economic crisis is dramatic and will deepen when the impact of global crisis. Revealed that the huge fiscal deficit of 2009, which exceeds 7 billion dollars, is the sole responsibility of President Correa, who squandered more than 25 billion dollars within two years of government, permanent political campaigns and electoral clientelism despite that the majority of Ecuadorians, now feel cheated and betrayed by the Country Alliance regime, expressed in dialogue with journalists from the Andes to Riobamba Journal.

Rafael Correa confirmed that prepares the paquetazo for after the election. Its economy leads him to fill the fiscal deficit and balance of payments going to the harmful fondomonetarias recipes, such as eliminating the subsidy for gas, electricity, eliminating thousands of jobs in the public sector, the suspension of public works, the privatization of oil and telecommunications companies, looting IESS funds to save the financial system and the dollarization of the economy, to liquefy the billions of dollars.

In this grave economic situation, social and political, presidential candidate for the Red - Polo Democrático the country needs a government of internal unity and solidarity, which respects diversity and make policy dialogue and consensus, the key instruments of democracy, for it evoked the qualities of Ecuadorian women, skilled in addressing the crisis with wisdom and tenderness .

Finally, Martha Roldós, said all the traps that attempt to hold strap in place, will be useless as its model authoritarian, fascist and submission to the transnational and mafia gangs of power, the elections will collapse or the streets, for the Ecuadorian people have never forgiven traitors.

The visit to the country, was accompanied by her buddy, Eduardo Delgado, and candidates for National Assembly members Monica Chuji and Fernando Villavicencio, where they made caravan trails, visits to media and shared with people the government project of the United Left Force for Change. "

the Press. Tel 095637627


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