Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tac 5 Recon Velocity Adjustment


Fernando V of Castile and II of Aragon, also called the Catholic, was born on May 10, 1452 in Sos, Zaragoza. Son of John II of Aragon and Juana Enríquez, was proclaimed king of Sicily (1468), King of Aragon (1479-1516) and Castile (1474-1504).

He married Isabella of Castile, which caused a civil war in Castile between supporters of Isabel and Juana la Beltraneja. Finished the race in 1479, Ferdinand and Isabella ruled jointly, "the Catholic Kings," who conquered the last Muslim stronghold on the Iberian Peninsula with the fall of Granada in 1492. Fernando
an actively collaborated with Isabel in all matters pertaining to Castile, as well as those of Aragon and foreign policy. Both worked together to unify their domains and encourage their development. In 1476 organized the Santa Hermandad, an institution that had its own militia dedicated to protecting the rural population of the bandits and keep order in the wilds. In 1480 created the Inquisition to impose religious unity and suppress any dissent. Http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/historia/monarquia/catolicos.shtml

territorial unification



to reign in Castile, Isabel had to overcome the opposition of an important part of the Castilian nobility, especially the nobility, who preferred the alliance of Castile to Portugal, which sided with Jane, the Beltraneja, which ended in a clash of the battle armado.Tras Toro (1476), the court met in Madrigal de las Altas Torres proclaims Queen Elizabeth I. Conquest of Granada


said Elizabeth on the throne of Castile, he resumed the conquest of the Nazarite kingdom of Granada. Taking advantage of the kingdom was in a dynastic crisis between the sultan, his brother and his son Boabdil Zagal, began the war for the conquest of Granada. Several phases are distinguished:
(1469): They marry the Catholic Monarchs.
(1484 to 1487): Conquest of the western part of the kingdom. Boabdil signed a treaty with the Kings, under which deliver Granada in return he was given an estate in the eastern part of the kingdom.
(1488 to 1490): Start the conquest of the east of the kingdom. He moved the base of operations to Murcia. During this stage yields Zagal.
(1490 to 1492): It requires the surrender of Granada Boabdil. Grenadian people to learn the terms of the agreement, resists, which is answered by the armies of the Kings. Boabdil final delivery to Granada after secret negotiations.
Victory in this war meant:
The appearance of an army structured and professional, regardless of the nobility, who would comprise the actual thirds.
The provision of economic resources.
The award and appeasement of certain sectors of the nobility by dividing the territories of Granada between them.

Incorporation of the Canary Islands

sovereignty of the Canary Islands to Castile was granted by the Treaty of Alcaçovas (1479), defining the English and Portuguese territories, but not be achieved fully submit to the islands until the conquest of Tenerife in 1496, the so-called Peace of Los Realejos.

The conquest of Navarre

Navarra was divided in the early sixteenth century into two camps: agramonteses and beamonteses, each favors a different king. In this confrontation, the kings of Navarra signed a treaty with the king of France that threatened to Spain. Because the kings of Navarra promoted certain religious doctrines that angered the Pope, issued a bull of excommunication against them.
In 1512 Ferdinand Navarra asked permission to natural ally of France (Understand this in the environment of ongoing rivalry between Aragon and France) - English troops to pass through Navarra to attack France. The negative response by the king of Navarre was enough Ferdinand to the Duke of Alba ordered the occupation of Navarra, and sending aid to his supporters, the beamonteses-and in less than a year, the English part of the Kingdom of Navarre (Upper Navarra) joined the Monarchy Catholic. Only be met with resistance in some parts of south and could tell that story Pamplona, \u200b\u200bthe capital, fell in only three days.

political institutions

Kingdom of Castile

the Royal Council was remodeled in the Cortes of Toledo in 1480, making it more structured and modular.
Hearing was formed Granada. There was an increase in the English Treasury due to taxes and estates division of the territory from the Nazarite.
to control banditry on the roads, and general theft, was instituted in 1476 the Holy Brotherhood (forerunner of today's Civil Guard), which would be the first state police in Europe. In the municipalities of the magistrates were established dominion, the pervasive authority at the municipal level.

Corona de Aragón

hardly changed. Most important was the greatest power given to the deputies in the area and the establishment of the electoral lottery, consisting out of a paper bag with the nominee. This innovation remained for 30 years, when the King dies, and this rule is forgotten.

religious policy

Pope Innocent VIII granted to the Catholic kings the right to Board on Granada and the Canary Islands, which meant the state control on religious matters.
A bull of Pope Sixtus IV in 1478 established the Inquisition in Castile to control the purity of the faith. Because Aragon was from 1248, so the English Inquisition was the only common institution for the two kingdoms. It was a hard stage as Fray Tomas de Torquemada Inquisitor General.
in 1492 expelled the Jews, of great economic power in Spain, producing an economic crisis. Left Spain about two thirds, becoming the other. Also forced Muslims to convert to Christianity Moorish-passing call or leave Spain.
The result of this act of religious cleansing was to create a country of Christian religion and the beginning of the identification of country and religion.
is establishing permanent Embassy of Spain to the papacy, which is the first permanent embassy in the world and the first time used the name of Spain for a settlement official.

Economy and Society

The expulsion of the Jews was a great economic loss to Spain.
Castilla was the industrial power and largest trading and Aragon the time was not far behind. The economic base was in industry, agriculture, sheep farming and the export of raw materials. To defend the wealth that wool meant the Kings granted privileges to the Mesta to the Law on Defence of the Canadas in 1489, threatened by farmers. Artisans were protected by the domestic trade. Social and economic
favored medium to high nobility, which had increased its economic power with the dominions of Granada. The Laws of Toro in 1505 strengthened the institution of primogeniture.
In Catalonia solved the problem of the farmers of remensa with the Sentence of Guadalupe (1486), which removed the bad habits and forced farmers to pay new taxes.

Foreign Policy

The aggressive and expansionist foreign policy carried out by Ferdinand and Isabella was made possible by a number of factors:
The diplomatic initiative of Ferdinand II of Aragon. Its purpose was to get the best deals for his kingdom. Continued policy Aragon traditional to the Mediterranean with an eye in the East, as evidenced by its flag (see below paragraph Blasones).
The efficiency of the army of the Crown under the command of Gonzalo Fernandez de Cordoba, known as the Great Captain. Fernández de Córdoba organized the army on a new combat unit, the third, or real-thirds, which involved the creation of the first modern army of the Crown, regardless of the retinues of nobles.
The great contribution of funds from industry and trade of wool and wheat.
matrimonial policy of kings.
inherit the title in 1502 Emperor and Autocrat of the Romans.


marriage policy of the Catholic Monarchs also included marriage alliances for their children. Were these:
Isabel, married to Prince Alfonso of Portugal, and after Manuel I of Portugal, a cousin of her first husband.
Juan, married Margaret of Austria and died prematurely (1497). He is buried in the monastery of Santo Tomás de Ávila.
Juana (Juana la Loca), married Philip of Austria (Philip the Handsome), son of Emperor Maximilian I of Austria.
Mary, married to Manuel of Portugal, his brother in law, the death of his sister Isabel.
Catherine, she married the Crown Prince of England, Arthur, and following the untimely death of the latter, with his brother, who later became Henry VIII of England.
In conclusion, it was aimed at seeking an alliance with Portugal and the creation of a coalition opposed to France which, although it had not been an enemy of Castile, had always argued claims to certain territories of the Crown of Aragon, to shew heir to the empire of Charlemagne.

The expansion in the Mediterranean: Italy

Charles VIII's army moved to Southern Italy, dethroning Alfonso II, King of Naples and a relative of Ferdinand. In 1500 the new king of France Louis XII King Ferdinand signed the Treaty of Granada to hold together the kingdom of Naples. Fernando agreed, and the King of Naples, Federico IV at the time, was dethroned. For the relief sought by the Pope, Fernando around Rome with his troops for a possible French attack to dismiss the Pope. Succession

Friday, April 25, 2008

Baby Shower Table Decorations At A Restaurant



1-Definition of syllable. Syllable is
each phonological divisions which divide a word.
2-stressed syllable, unstressed syllable. Word
tone is one that presents a prosodic accent in one of its syllables.
unstressed word is one that any of the syllables stands out from the others.

3-Difference between accent and tilde.

4 - How are classified according to the stressed syllable words?

5 - Why are the words IN ADDITION, THERE, EXPRESSION accents?

6 - When they were not put to words tilde flat?

7-The proparoxytones accents ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... and on what syllable the lead?
always proparoxytone accents are accentuated on the penultimate syllable.
8 - What is a word sobresdrújula? When accents?

sobreesdrújulas words are those with the stressed syllable before the penultimate place. Normally the words sobreesdrújulas accents.

Monday, April 21, 2008

How To Fix Disneyland Braided Bracelet

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Heterochromia And Scholarships

accentuation ISLAM

I. - The Arabian Peninsula. Mohammed. Islam. Islamic expansion (early successors of Muhammad, the Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphate)
Arabia is a peninsula at the junction of Africa and Asia, between the Persian Gulf, Gulf of Aden and Red Sea. It is also known as the Arabian Peninsula.

Muhammad during his lifetime, Muhammad entrusted the preservation of the Word of God (Allah الله), transmitted by Gabriel (Jibreel, جبريل), the retention of memoriones, those who tirelessly reciting memorized. Muhammad did not reject completely the Jewish and Christian religions, but claimed to have been sent by God to complete and perfect their teachings. Then war broke out between Makkah and Yathrib, which Muhammad's followers were victorious. Later Muhammad's successors expanded the domain of Arab rule in Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia, Persia, Egypt, North Africa and Spain.

Islam is the religion that was born of the teachings of Muhammad. The prophet taught that man must submit completely to the will of God. So Islam means "submit" and its devotees, Muslims, are "those who submit."
According to Islamic tradition, one night when Muhammad meditated on Mount Hira, the angel Gabriel appeared and told him the existence of one God (Allah) and that he, Mohammed, would be his prophet, so that its mission was spread the word of God to the infidels (unbelievers).
Since the attacks, on 16 July 622 the prophet and his followers migrated to Yathrib, that would be since the "city of the Prophet" (Madinat al-Nabi or Medina) and its center of operations. In this episode of his life, when Mohammed fled from Mecca and began his pilgrimage, called the Hijra and it marks the end of the pre-Islamic era and the beginning of the era of Islam, as Muslims consider year zero of the lunar calendar. Expansion

islamica.Además, nomadic Bedouins assume a Pan-Arabian consciousness, thanks to Islam. The early conquests are a assertion of Arab political sovereignty in the area. The Islamic state offers political stability to the region and in principle a little Islamization of the structures of power. However, this is also the time when ending the Arab hegemony over the Islamic state. The Islamic state will disintegrate in multiple states fully feudal character, like the Christian kingdoms.

The first califas.Tras Muhammad, the Muslim community was ruled by consensus, although not without tension. The first Caliphs were all colleagues and even family of Muhammad. (Caliph or Khilafat Allah means God's representative)

Throughout history, many rulers and dynasties of caliphs took the title, but that greatly expanded the Islam were the first of them.
The perfect or orthodox caliphate, which lasted from 632 to 660, consisted of the first four successors of Muhammad that, from its capital at Medina, led the conquest of a territory that included much of North Africa, Mesopotamia, Syria and Persia.
The Umayyad Caliphate, 660 to 750, with its capital in Damascus held the gains from the Iberian Peninsula to India.

The Abbasid Caliphate moved the capital to Baghdad. Between 750 and 1258, the Abbasid dynasty tried to consolidate the gains, developing trade and effective management. However, from the ninth century their empire was fragmenting into several simultaneous Caliphate and suffered various invasions, such as the Mongols, who after converting to Islam got that from the thirteenth century, the Muslim religion from spreading all over India , albeit without converting the majority of the population. Especially in India is where the eastern boundary lies the majority of the expansion of Islam until today. Rahman III 912 to 961
The caliphate is the last major Turkish from 1517 to 1919. The Turkish monarch took the title of caliphs from 1517, when Selim I conquered Mecca and Medina. Before they had defeated Byzantine Empire and Islam had succeeded in extending the center of Europe. In its heyday, the Turkish territory to Hungary came from Algeria, through Egypt, Arabia and Mesopotamia. The last Turkish Caliph was overthrown in 1919.

II.-political organization (the caliphate, Caliph, Koras, emir, vizier, Kadi), economic (agriculture and trade), social (the Medina, the Arabs, Muladi, the Mozarabic) and Muslim cultural.

political organization.
- Transformation patriarchal structure of a multinational empire.
- Implementation of an absolutist state dominated by Arabs.
- Khalifa, head of the community of believers.
- will be surrounded by a court of bureaucrats and officials.
- The capital of the empire was in Damascus (Syria), governed directly by the caliph.
- The rest of the provinces by governors with civil and military powers.
- Iraq, Khurasan and Transoxiana, Hijaz, Yemen, Egypt, Africa, Al-Andalus.

Abd al-Rahman II becomes the fourth Umayyad emir in Cordoba after the death of his emirate released padre.Recién war breaks out in Cora de Tudmir between Yemeni clans and muraditas. Cora was established in the southeast peninsula and its capital was the present Orihuela.
Abd al-Rahman II founded Mursiya (current Murcia) between 825 and 831 in a small rise on the river Segura, in order to pacify the country, promote development and strengthen its authority.
In Muslim sources quoted General Hisano Unmayya ibm ibn Mu'awiya as peacemaker and Cora Todmir Chabar as first governor general of Murcia.
Abd al-Rahman II was willing to create a new capital for Tudmir Cora.
Rarely in history, except in America and the founding of Alexandria, has been the desire to create a capital, even if province, from the beginning of its existence.

The word comes from the Arabic Amir Amir ʾ (أمير), which in turn is formed with the root word comes from Arabic amir (أمير). The sequencing, word in turn derived from the root ʾ AMR (أمر) command. Were the governors of each of the provinces. Vizier (Arabic, وزير Wazir) is in a historical context of Islam, a position equivalent to prime minister, used an assistant or monarch. A kadi (Arabic قاضى) is a judge of the Muslim territories, which applies the sharia. Kadi word means to judge and shares meaning with Sheik, but differs in that the Sheik will judge could exercise a governor of the city.
Economics in traditional Muslim cities was governed by a corporate system that integrated the men engaged in the production, distribution and services, and act as owners or workers, home workers, self-employed or employees of government , whether "people of high or low status, Muslims, Christians and Jews, native or naturalized foreigners, all belonging to the enterprise system" (Yusuf Ibish 1976). Corporations in the urban population was grouped according to their offices, and that was to be craftsmen, merchants, auctioneers, pawnbrokers, musicians, singers, storytellers carriers and sailors.
The members of each corporation is considered both as members of the community of believers whose service was credited efficiency especially in the profession or occupation, which was acquired through hard work supervised by a teacher ("Shaykh") turn connected to the chain of teachers of the corporation, which was binding on the other, the patron saints and even to the Prophet.
Corporations are structured as a concept and ritual passed down orally from generation to generation and closely related the Sufi orders (Islamic lodges). Upon acceptance of a young apprentice in a workshop following the recitation of the first "sura" (chapter) of the Koran to the teachers of the corporation and a period of years of zero or low pay which was compensated by the idea that was that the means to learn and to integrate socially into the community.

Medina (Arabic: مدينة madina). The word means "city." His full name is Madinat an-Nabi (Prophet's City), Madinat Rasul Allah (City of the Messenger of God) or Al-Madina al-Munawwara (City Light), because it arose the first Muslim community. Formerly called Yathrib. Most city dwellers accepted Muhammad as leader. In the vicinity of the city built the first mosque called Quba Mosque and the city and the house of Muhammad was the first major meeting place for Muslim prayer. A month later, the Muslims of Medina decided to march on Mecca.

is known as al-Andalus to the territory of the Iberian peninsula under Muslim rule during the Middle Ages (711-1492). Stages

domain of Islam in al-Andalus 711-756

: emirate dependent on Damascus. Al-Andalus is governed by the Umayyads.
756-929: independent emirate of Baghdad. Members of the Abbasid dynasty Umayyad murder. Escapes Abd-al-Rahman I who takes refuge in Cordoba. 929-1031
: Caliphate of Cordoba, Abd-al-Rahman III proclaimed caliph.
1031-1261: Taifa Kingdoms. Political division of al-Andalus. Independent kingdoms called Taifa.
1238-1492: Kingdom of Granada. Last bastion of al-Andalus and the last independent kingdom of peninsular Muslim majority.


The invasion and subsequent occupation of southern Spain was held by military. The presence of Muslim invaders north of the Central System is almost anecdotal, limited military incursions. Either way, the battle of Simancas disrupted plans to install Muslim Arab populations in the vicinity of the Duero and wilderness areas.

Caliphate of Cordoba

In 929, Abd al-Rahman III established the Caliphate of Cordoba, claiming religious independence from Baghdad, capital of the Abbasid Caliphate. The proclamation of the Caliphate contained a twofold purpose:
- Inside: the Umayyads wanted to strengthen its position.
This is the political phase of greatest splendor of the Umayyad state which is then transformed into various kingdoms called "Taifa Kingdoms.


Taifa Kingdoms


taifa identified at first with a family, clan or dynasty. Over the years, the Taifa of Seville (who had conquered all of western Andalusia and the eastern part), Badajoz, Toledo and Zaragoza, were the Islamic powers Peninsula.
Lacking the necessary troops, the Taifa hired mercenaries to fight their neighbors or to oppose the Christian kingdoms in the north. Even Christian warriors, like the Cid himself, served the Muslim kings, fighting even against other Christian kings. However, this was not enough and the Christian kingdoms would take the Muslim division and weakness of each individual to submit Taifa. Faced with this threat, the Taifa kings sought help from the Sultan of the North African Almoravids, Yusef Ben Tashfin, who passed the strait and not only defeated the Castilian king at the Battle of Zalaca (1086), but gradually conquered all Taifa.

Second and third

Taifa kingdoms

When Almoravid rule began to fall, arose the so-called second Taifa kingdoms (1144-1170), which were subsequently submitted by the Almoravids, who had succeeded the Almoravids in your domain North Africa.
After the end of the Almohad period, marked by the battle of Navas de Tolosa, was a short called "Taifa Kingdoms third, which ended with the founding of the Nazari kingdom of Granada, who did not capitulate until 2 January 1492, when it officially ends the Reconquista.

are asesinadosCuando The Umayyads of Damascus last Umayyad caliph was killed by the Abbasids there was a change in the ruling dynasty in Damascus. The new Abbasid dynasty ordered the murder of all the Umayyads who were in the empire.
The last Umayyad prince al-Andalus reached the last prince who survived was called Abd-al-Rahman. He escaped and reached al-Andalus, to become its new emir, with the name of Abd-al-Rahman I started a new period in Muslim history in the Iberian Peninsula.
Abd-al-Rahman I Abd-al-Rahman I was proclaimed emir (prince and military leader) and broke the link between al-Andalus and Damascus. Managed to bring peace between the various Muslim groups. With it began the independent emirate, which would be the year 756 to 929. Throughout these years, set a centralized state similar to its predecessors in the East, with a more stable management structure and a mercenary military force composed of Berbers in North Africa and bought slaves in southern Europe. SLIDE

: 1.-Plant
Mosque of Cordoba.

2.-Archery (bow) of the Mosque of Cordoba.

3.-Arco, dome and facade of the mihrab of the Mosque of Cordoba.

4 .- minaret of the mosque of Cordoba.

5.-Palacio de Medina Azahara in Cordoba.

6.-Oratory Aljafería of Zaragoza. Archways.

7.-Alcazaba of Malaga.

8.-La Giralda in Seville.

9.-The Torre del Oro in Seville.

10.-Santa Maria la Blanca in Toledo.

11.-Plan of the Alhambra.

12.-Salas and courtyards of the Alhambra: Mexuar Room, Patio of the Myrtles, Hall of Ambassadors, courtyard of the lions, the two sisters room, the viewpoint of Dajara, Gate of Justice.

13.-The Generalife.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Where To Find Synergeyes

There are several theories that give this date the origin of Valentine's Day. In the Nordic countries during this period when birds pair up and mate, which is why this period is seen as a symbol of love and creation.
Some believe it is a party cristianizada del paganismo, ya que en la antigua Roma se realizaba la adoración al dios del amor, cuyo nombre griego era Eros y a quien los romanos llamaban Cupido. En esta celebración se pedían los favores del dios a través de regalos u ofrendas para conseguir así encontrar al enamorado ideal.

También, y hace muchos siglos, fue tradicional en Inglaterra la "fiesta de los valentinus", donde se elegían a hombres y a mujeres para que formaran pareja. Muchas de estas parejas se convertían en marido y mujer y conseguían la felicidad de pareja que se espera encontrar y consolidar el Día de San Valentín.
Otras fuentes centran el origen de la historia de San Valentín en la Roma del siglo III, a period in which Christianity was persecuted. In this period also prohibited marriage between the soldiers and it was believed that single men performed better on the battlefield than married men because they were not emotionally attached to their families.
is in these circumstances when there is the figure of St. Valentine, a Christian priest at such injustice decides to marry couples under the Christian ritual of the Roman eyes hidden. Valentine
takes to protect secret lovers and wedding hosting great prestige throughout the city and is called by the Emperor Claudius II to meet. The priest takes the visit for propaganda of the Christian religion and convince the emperor to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Although at first Claudius II was attracted to the religion that the Romans pursued the soldiers and the Governor of Rome was forced to withdraw, and organized a campaign against Valentine. The Roman emperor changed his mind and ordered the governor of Rome to prosecute the priest.
mission condemn the priest had to take out the lieutenant, Asterius. This, when he stood before the priest, mocked Christianity and wanted to test Valentin. He asked if I could restore sight to one of his daughters who was blind from birth. The priest accepted on behalf the Lord worked a miracle. The lieutenant and his entire family converted to Christianity but could not deliver Valentine's martyrdom. St. Valentine was executed on 14 February.
While locked up, his jailer asked to give lessons to his daughter Julia, based on lessons and hours together, Valentine fell in love with the girl. The night before his execution, he sent a farewell note to the girl in which he signed with the words "from your Valentine", hence the origin of love letters and poems sent in love today and expression Farewell "From Your Valentine", known worldwide in thousands of postcards attached Valentine.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Polaris Predator Service Manual


School Day of Non-violence and Peace (DENIP) was first declared in 1964. Arises from a pioneering, non-governmental, independent, voluntary and non-violent education of English professor Pacificadora Llorenç Vidal.

basic message today is: 'Universal Love, Peace and Nonviolence. The universal love is better than selfishness, Non-violence is better than violence and peace is better than war.


1901 Dunant, Jean Henri (Switzerland), founder of the International Red Cross

Ducommun, Elie (Switzerland), Honorary Permanent Secretary of the International Peace Bureau.

1903 Cremer, William R. (Great Britain), usually known by his middle name "Randal", was a pacifist and member of parliament inglés.Figura leading the labor movement, was a member of the House of Commons (1885-1895 and 1900-1908).

1904 International Law Institute of Ghent
1905 Suttner, Bertha von (Austria)
1906 Roosevelt, Theodore (USA) 1907
Moneta, Ernesto T. (Italy) 1908
Arnoldson, P. Klas (Sweden)
Beernaert 1909, Auguste M. (Belgium)

1910 International Peace Bureau (International Peace Bureau)
1911 Asser, Tobias MC (Netherlands)

1912 Root, Elihu (USA) 1913
Lafontaine, Henri (Belgium )
1917 International Committee of the Red Cross
1919 Wilson, Woodrow (USA) 1920
Bourgeois, Léon VA (France) 1921
Branting, Karl H. (Sweden)

1922 Nansen, Fridtjof (Norwegian) 1925
Dawes, Charles G. (USA)

1926 Briand, Aristide (France) 1927
Buisson, Ferdinand (France)

1929 Kellogg, Frank B. (USA) 1930
Söderblom, Nathan (USA) 1931
Addams, Jane (USA) 1933
Angell, Norman (Great Britain)
1934 Henderson, Arthur (Britain) 1935
Ossietzky, Carl von (Germany) 1936
Saavedra Lamas , Carlos (Argentina) 1937
Cecil, Edgar A. (Great Britain)
1938 Nansen Refugee Committee
1944 International Committee of the Red Cross
1945 Hull, Cordell (USA) 1946
Mott, John R. (USA) 1947
Friends Service Council (Great Britain)

1949 Boyd Orr, John (Britain) 1950
Bunche, Ralph J. (USA) 1951
Jouhaux, Léon (France)
1952 Schweitzer, Albert (France)
1953 Marshall, George C. (USA) 1954
Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 1957
Pearson, Lester B. (Canada) 1958
Pire, Dominique G. (Belgium) 1959
Noel-Baker, Philip J. (Britain) 1960
Luthuli, Albert J. (South Africa)
Hammarskjöld 1961, Dag (Sweden) 1962
Pauling, Linus C. (USA)
1963 International Committee of the Red Cross - International League of Red Cross Societies 1964
King, Martin Luther (USA) 1965
UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) 1968
Cassin, René (France )
1969 International Labour Organization
1970 Borlaug, Norman E. (USA) 1971
Brandt, Willy (Germany) 1973
Kissinger, Henry Alfred (USA) 1974
MacBride, Sean (Ireland)
1975 Sakharov, Andrei Dmitrievich (USSR) 1976
Corrigan, Mairead (Ireland)

1977 Amnesty International 1978 Begin, Menachem (Israel)
1979 Mother Teresa of Calcutta (India)
1980 Pérez Esquivel, Adolfo (Argentina) 1981
Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 1982
Myrdal, Alva (Sweden)

1983 Walesa, Lech (Poland) 1984
Tutu, Desmond (South Africa)
1985 International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (USSR, USA)
1986 Wiesel, Elie (USA) 1987
Arias Sánchez, Oscar (Costa Rica) 1988
Peacekeeping Forces United Nations 1989
Dalai Lama (Tibet)
1990 Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeiévich (USSR) 1991 Aung
San Suu Kyi (Burma)
1992 Menchú, Rigoberta (Guatemala)
1993 Mandela, Nelson (South Africa)

1994 Arafat, Yasir (Palestinian) 1995
Rotblat, Joseph (Britain) 1996
Ximenes Belo, Carlos Felipe (Indonesia)

1997 International Campaign to Ban Landmines
1998 Hume, John (Northern Ireland) 1999 Doctors Without Borders

2000 Kim Dae Jung (South Korea)
2001 UN ( United Nations)
2002 Carter, Jimmy (USA)
2003 Shirin Ebadi (Iran) First Muslim woman to receive this award, for their struggle for human rights, women and children

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Made To Wear Sister's Girdle



a-Creation and organization of the first cities. First inhabitants

The first villages and cities in the Middle East appeared on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, which form the Asian Mesopotamia. It was divided into two distinct zones

Lower and Upper Mesopotamia

* Lower Mesopotamia: It was the most populated area and was near the mouth, where lower land fertile. He later received the Chaldean name. The first known inhabitants were the Sumerians, who were located in Lower Mesopotamia around 4000 BC. Since then the area was invaded successively by a lot of people who were changing the culture and lifestyle of the Mesopotamians.
* Upper Mesopotamia: This area is a mountainous and harsh plateaus. It was inhabited by the year 2300 BC by the Assyrian Semitic people, so that later was called Assyria. There, the Assyrians had to face the harsh and inhospitable rocky terrain which allowed only small livestock rearing. However, the Assyrian people did expanded to form a great empire.
The history of these peoples are known through Bible stories and scriptures engraved on clay tablets mainly.

b-The economy and social organization

Farming and ranching were the main economic activities. It grew wheat, barley, grapes, olives and date palms from which were extracted juices for beverages and textile fibers. Livestock farming was based on sheep and goats. Upon arrival of the Indo-Europeans was added horse breeding.

All economic activities were regulated. The exchange of goods and payment of taxes was made species. The value of the products was established by the king in metal. Trading activity was very active since controlled the maritime trade routes and land with the Far East.

metals came from Asia Minor, Lebanon timber and precious stones from India. From these materials brought from other countries, as Mesopotamia did not have these natural resources, developed crafts, metalwork, woodwork and metalwork.

Details of the Code of Hammurabi laws

c-culture, science and religion. Culture

Cultures Mesopotamia were pioneers in many branches of knowledge, developed writing, at first pictographic and phonetic later, in the field of law, created the first codes of laws, in architecture, developed important advances such as the vault and dome .
His remains, though perhaps still a lot to learn, show a culture that exerted a powerful influence on other civilizations of the time and thus the development of Western culture. Religion

religions were polytheistic. In each city worshiped different gods, though some were common. Among these we can see: W: god of heaven, Enki: what is underneath, Nannar: Moon-god, Utu, the sun god, Inanna, goddess Venus, Polytheism: The doctrine that supports a plurality of gods, but in reality, most of the most seemingly polytheistic religions such as Greek or Hindu are monotheistic in which a Supreme Being manifests itself in various forms, as in the Hindu Trimurti whose main gods, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, are interrelated equivalent to those of the Christian Trinity. In such cases, historians of religions speak of a Deus Otioso, ie, a Supreme Being, for its sublimity, it is only accessible to the faithful through their manifestations or their angels intermediaries, or spirits. Generally, the same notion is found in so-called animist religions, which are discussed later. Something that was characterized and devalued their gods were related to arts that they were seeing for themselves gods also had livestock, writing, clothing, etc. This meant that they had a religion very broad and very interesting for someone it could be much more studied.

The calculation flourished in Mesopotamia by a tenth and sexagesimal system, whose first application was in trade. Also known addition and subtraction multiplication and division and, after the second millennium BC, developed a mathematical equations could be resolved through third grade. Also knew the number π, the root and power, so they were able to calculate volumes and surfaces of the main shapes.
astronomical developments blossomed in the same way. The Sumerians knew the difference between moving objects-planets, and stars. But it was the Babylonians who further developed the field, being able to predict astronomical phenomena in advance. This knowledge of astronomy led them to adopt a precise lunar calendar, which included an additional month that fit the lot.

Egypt is the great civilization of the ancient world because that is what more or less stable will last from 3200 BC to the domination by the Roman Empire in the first century BC with Octavian Augustus. The coordinates of which are maintained despite the political and social changes throughout history.

In the course of the Nile is based the subsequent subdivision of the country in Upper Egypt (Thebes), Middle Egypt (Heptanomida) and Lower Egypt (Delta) with this division under the three major periods Historical: Memfita, Theban and Saite, including which are distributed thirty-three dynasties of pharaohs.

is this river that comes from distant regions, where rainfall is very heavy, the water that allows banks with their crops and life. This water sometimes overflows causing the periodic floods that force farmers to a long period of inactivity but sometimes insufficient, especially in distant lands of the river course. The losses in the marshy area and the lack of tributaries in this arid region may compromise the very existence of the river in the middle and lower very long journey, and the Nile would be exhausted through the thousands of miles of desert that stands before reaching the sea. The Nile River hydrographic regime is characterized by 2 annual floods that occur in summer so little regular, at least in its middle and lower. The river level begins to rise in June and reaches its peak in September, then declined gradually, reaching its lowest level between February and June.


Upper Egypt is called the southern region, stretching from Memphis, near Cairo, to the first cataract, Asuán.Tenía an exceptional environment: comprised a very fertile plain by the floods of the Nile, and producing food surpluses. The cult of Horus was practiced all over Egipto.El supreme god of Upper Egypt was Seth and White crown symbol, the vulture goddess Nekhbet and white lotus flower, another symbol was the rush, which often present with Low Bee Egypt, preceding the cartridge containing the name of the pharaoh.

Middle Egypt (Heptanómida) It is not possible to determine at what period, if it really happened, the Heptanómida was considered a third territory of Ptolemy and Agatharchideslos Egipto.Según "Seven Nomos" were those of: Memphis, Heracleopolis; Cocodrilópolis, renamed Arsinoe; Afroditópolis, Oxyrhynchus; Cinopólis, and Hermopolis.

Lower Egypt was known in ancient Egypt to the north of the country, ranging from the Mediterranean to Memphis, near Cairo. Includes the whole Delta Nilo.Es "low" in relation to the course of the Nile was represented by the Red Crown and the bee. Asp also was the symbol of Lower Egypt and the vulture of Upper Egypt.



Big stones. Types of columns: Protodórica (simple abacus capital and stem of shallow grooves). The tombs. a mastaba. Burial chamber consisting of two parts. Mastabas important Karnak (temple of Karnak in Thebes), Luxor (Luxor Temple). Pyramid. IV dynasty. Temples. Interior columns providing ships. Parts of the temple: Avenue of the Sphinxes. Obelisks. Quadrangular prisms of great height. Pylons. Patio hipetro. Pillared hall. Room with columns and ceiling. Sanctuary. Closed room. Funerary temples. Dug into the rock. Known temple Abu Simbel. Hypogea.


constructions of the Egyptians were mostly of adobe, material created with mud and straw, due to the absence of stones and wood in the area. Only the great temples and stone burial structures used canteras.La taken from the Egyptian house was built around a patio.La house had a square with a central space preceded by an anteroom. All around we find the bedrooms and rooms for storage. This structure does not vary in relation to social class habitantes.Gruesas columns serve to anchor the structure of these cottages, tall, narrow door of which was raised above ground level. On the roof of the house stood the roof.

The stool was the Egyptian cabinet as universal in its use are not social distinctions. More elitist is the chair and beds made of wood. The trousseau was linen and used a headrest for sleeping, some even stone.


Old Middle Eastern country, which occupies the end of the twentieth century the territory of Iran, especially the Zagros Mountains, east of Mesopotamia.

Connoisseurs of all these historical records, infer with some confidence that the Persians were part of a family tribe, who were members of an even larger group designated by the name of Aryans, a diverse group of nomadic tribes whose original homeland lay probably in the Eurasian plains of southern Russia. Roughly between 2000 and 1800 BC, the Aryans began their migration by moving some to the Indian subcontinent, while others guided his steps to the west through Iran and penetrated to the northern part of Mesopotamia and Syria. Around 1400 BC, a third group of Aryans that would include the Persians moved inland from the northwest of Iran and gradually moving westward.

Persia The country has been occupied successively by a number of peoples and empires:
Elamite Empire.
Persian Empire.
UK Delivery.
Sassanid Empire.
Umayyad Caliphate. Abbasid Caliphate
Safavid Empire.

Persia has been a term used extensively in the West to name the territory of modern Iranian province of Fars, and in its broadest sense, the entire area known as Iran increased. This term was first used by the Greek people because of their belief that Perses, son of the mythological Perseus, founder of Mycenae and Andromeda, princess of Ethiopia, would settle in the territory of Zagros Mountains, and its offspring the royal line of Persian emperors.
In the Achaemenid period, this myth would be used advantageously by Xerxes I to convince the city of Argos to fight on his side, insisting that both countries shared the same ancestor, because for the people of Argos he was Persian.
However, today we know that Persia is simply the name Hellenized Parser, which in ancient Persian means "above reproach."
After the Arab invasion of Persia, the Muslims, have no equivalent in the alphabet the letter "P", Fars call him, since this is its current name.

-Map of Ancient Near East. gold-Tablet with cuneiform writing. -Ziggurat Khorsabak Palace. -Ishtar Gate. "The lioness wound. -Map of Pharaonic Egypt. -hieroglyphic writing, hieratic, demotic.

-Gods-sketch of an Egyptian temple of Karnak .- Sanctuary. -Abu Simbel. -Pyramids of Giza. -Sphinx. Hypogeous -Tomb of the Kings Valley. -Write sitting .- The Beled-el-Sheikh. -Bust of Nefertiti.