Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Why Is My Knee Itchy After Surgery
Alex Fishroom Escamez (Cassowary)
In this issue we present the fishroom of another our colleagues and collaborator Magazine.
is a lad of just 30 years who is passionate about the lake from its beginnings to the aquarium. It is a great passion for the shell-dwelling, is their devotion and then you can confirm this ..
home now has a 1500L water tanks which many not be missed ... He is very meticulous when it comes to decorate aquariums, is very strict about is the subject and like to have the tanks as if the same lake question.
Now I leave you with the video of their Tanganyika-Fishroom
more detailed
other videos ....
Fotografía: Alex Zaragoza
Videos: Alex Escamez y Alex Zaragoza
Enjoying Tanganyika
copyright ©
In this issue we present the fishroom of another our colleagues and collaborator Magazine.
is a lad of just 30 years who is passionate about the lake from its beginnings to the aquarium. It is a great passion for the shell-dwelling, is their devotion and then you can confirm this ..
home now has a 1500L water tanks which many not be missed ... He is very meticulous when it comes to decorate aquariums, is very strict about is the subject and like to have the tanks as if the same lake question.
Now I leave you with the video of their Tanganyika-Fishroom
more detailed
other videos ....
Bateria conchicolas. from Casuario on Vimeo .
Fishroom from Casuario on Vimeo .
Neolamprologus buescheri kamakonde from Casuario on Vimeo .
Fotografía: Alex Zaragoza
Videos: Alex Escamez y Alex Zaragoza
Enjoying Tanganyika
copyright ©
Sunday, September 26, 2010
What Kind Of Airsoft Guns Will Ship To Canada?
Interview : Paracyprichomis nigripinnis, according to Judas
To begin, could you briefly discuss your views on this species?
If anything I learned from this species is not as delicate as they say, at least in my case.
When I bought the first (fourth) on the first day killed a female reached touched, but from there I have never lost a copy or juvenile or adult. The only casualties I've had have been newly released fry from the mother, who are floating dead, but this has been lately I think it's because I have already too many in the same aquarium.
As an example I will say that during a water change I did wrong the calculation of sales, added a couple of unfortunate circumstances and had a drop in pH important and cyprid shell was 25 and needed several stitches Paras.
Otherwise it is a kind that I like the little problem that is in their behavior and that some
depending on how the aquarium is lit blue flashes add a touch of handsome
Is this some kind sexual dimorphism?
Well I think on this issue all we are clear. Since juvenile males begin to form the queue and have a
lira little more color than females. In adults there is no doubt what the male.
With respect to food, how often and how you feed them?
base freeze-dried food are CICLOPS. During a long season the fed daily with brine shrimp, but lately I CICLOPS and alternating with different types of scales and some of microgranules. There are problems when eating. Normally
food 2 times a day.
How are played and how frequently?
If anything it makes me sad is not having been able so far to see the time commissioning, and see that I have raised the screwed up. You must know that I have them at home but in a place like Alex and clear fishroom between work and other stories do not pass there all the time you wanted. The pre-courtship or courtship is easy to see the male courting the female and dancing in an almost vertical position.
frequency reproduction is something that has me a bit pissed off, suddenly I have 10 females incubating for a while then nothing. Not like the cyprids that if you leave them are continually raising, in fact right now I have males and females separately because I do not keep up.
In general, what behavior developed in the aquarium?:
fish are less problematic than I ever had. I have several adult males together and give no problems.
are quite static by nature, tend to approach the walls of the aquarium or large rocks and placed them in parallel position with the head down.
One thing that struck me is that the females that are incubating tend to cluster in formation
in one corner of the aquarium.
with their peers, how they behave?
For the above, total calm, even I have noticed that compared with male cyprid not overwhelm both the
females, especially if they are incubating let them calm.
Adults are very tolerant of juveniles and young fish, swim and mixed together without problems.
And with others?
I've been alone with multis and I have not had any problems, they just do not get too close to the multis.
now I have one in a 200 liter aquarium with a large colony of Multis and 6 Telma Multis vittatus and escape but to give Telma cane. I always have thought that would send Telma on Paras, but is reversed. Telma If an order is crossed with a male, it gives a warning. Females are peaceful.
Habitat and company:
- What habitat is of this species and consider what kind of scenery right for them?
deep and always with rocks, I think the rock is a must because they like to get close to them and I think that will give them a sense of security (this is my opinion)
If a community tank, with whom the would gather?
because some species will not tell you specifically, I think there are many with which you could put, I think the only requirement is that they be in behavior quiet, ie not very moved and nervous like Tropheus.
I have kept with Neolamprologus vitatus Telmatochromis multifasciatus and "shell" and the truth that no problem. but I think it would be better with Telma that are quieter than the Multis.
Tips & Care:
I think I can add little, aquarium with rocks if possible vertical and colleagues as quiet and any kind must be able to give them water. I change 20% weekly and have never had problems. As I said earlier in my case is down the myth that they are delicate, do not know what to tell other people, I talk about my experience with them and the truth is that I have proved to be a kind beautiful and quite strong.
type / size of aquarium
Although it is a kind perhaps a little static I think he needs space to swim, so I think that for a ratio of 2 / 4 it should be at least 200 liters. It can take less space, but we are talking about the fish is fairly comfortable.
Miguel Mora interview Judas
Photo: Juan Arjona
Enjoying Tanganyika
copyright ©
To begin, could you briefly discuss your views on this species?
If anything I learned from this species is not as delicate as they say, at least in my case.
When I bought the first (fourth) on the first day killed a female reached touched, but from there I have never lost a copy or juvenile or adult. The only casualties I've had have been newly released fry from the mother, who are floating dead, but this has been lately I think it's because I have already too many in the same aquarium.
As an example I will say that during a water change I did wrong the calculation of sales, added a couple of unfortunate circumstances and had a drop in pH important and cyprid shell was 25 and needed several stitches Paras.
Otherwise it is a kind that I like the little problem that is in their behavior and that some
depending on how the aquarium is lit blue flashes add a touch of handsome
Is this some kind sexual dimorphism?
Well I think on this issue all we are clear. Since juvenile males begin to form the queue and have a
lira little more color than females. In adults there is no doubt what the male.
With respect to food, how often and how you feed them?
base freeze-dried food are CICLOPS. During a long season the fed daily with brine shrimp, but lately I CICLOPS and alternating with different types of scales and some of microgranules. There are problems when eating. Normally
food 2 times a day.
How are played and how frequently?
If anything it makes me sad is not having been able so far to see the time commissioning, and see that I have raised the screwed up. You must know that I have them at home but in a place like Alex and clear fishroom between work and other stories do not pass there all the time you wanted. The pre-courtship or courtship is easy to see the male courting the female and dancing in an almost vertical position.
frequency reproduction is something that has me a bit pissed off, suddenly I have 10 females incubating for a while then nothing. Not like the cyprids that if you leave them are continually raising, in fact right now I have males and females separately because I do not keep up.
In general, what behavior developed in the aquarium?:
fish are less problematic than I ever had. I have several adult males together and give no problems.
are quite static by nature, tend to approach the walls of the aquarium or large rocks and placed them in parallel position with the head down.
One thing that struck me is that the females that are incubating tend to cluster in formation
in one corner of the aquarium.
with their peers, how they behave?
For the above, total calm, even I have noticed that compared with male cyprid not overwhelm both the
females, especially if they are incubating let them calm.
Adults are very tolerant of juveniles and young fish, swim and mixed together without problems.
And with others?
I've been alone with multis and I have not had any problems, they just do not get too close to the multis.
now I have one in a 200 liter aquarium with a large colony of Multis and 6 Telma Multis vittatus and escape but to give Telma cane. I always have thought that would send Telma on Paras, but is reversed. Telma If an order is crossed with a male, it gives a warning. Females are peaceful.
Habitat and company:
- What habitat is of this species and consider what kind of scenery right for them?
deep and always with rocks, I think the rock is a must because they like to get close to them and I think that will give them a sense of security (this is my opinion)
If a community tank, with whom the would gather?
because some species will not tell you specifically, I think there are many with which you could put, I think the only requirement is that they be in behavior quiet, ie not very moved and nervous like Tropheus.
I have kept with Neolamprologus vitatus Telmatochromis multifasciatus and "shell" and the truth that no problem. but I think it would be better with Telma that are quieter than the Multis.
Tips & Care:
I think I can add little, aquarium with rocks if possible vertical and colleagues as quiet and any kind must be able to give them water. I change 20% weekly and have never had problems. As I said earlier in my case is down the myth that they are delicate, do not know what to tell other people, I talk about my experience with them and the truth is that I have proved to be a kind beautiful and quite strong.
type / size of aquarium
Although it is a kind perhaps a little static I think he needs space to swim, so I think that for a ratio of 2 / 4 it should be at least 200 liters. It can take less space, but we are talking about the fish is fairly comfortable.
Photo: Juan Arjona
Enjoying Tanganyika
copyright ©
How To Say Get Well In Spanish
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Acrostic Poem Word Islam
Xenotilapia ornatipinnis sima Boulenger, 1901
Cichlid arenicola desccrito in 1901, the first specimens were collected in Kibwesi (Tanzania).
so far is a species that has no geographical variations and varieties are not known because the fish that live so deep to find no "barriers" natural, such as bays, headlands, estuaries, etc, etc are all equal and of shallower waters and are "isolated" by a rope, or a sandy beach or rock formations, as they have evolved differently.
In Lake ...
is a species of which very little is known about his life in the lake, we know that is a species We can be found at depths of up to 160 meters or 5 meters (Poll 1956). This great variation in depth believe it may be due to migration of the species, as documented in the genus Trematocara (Konings, 2003).
Studies on the captured indicate that this species has a carnivorous diet, the research conducted in the stomach contents were found copepods, ostracods, and insect larvae, as well as grains of sand and mud (Poll 1956)
sexual dimorphism
This species has a very obvious sexual dimorphism. Males are large (13cm) and have a nice soft yellow / bronze. Males also have two silver bands on their flanks. The females are smaller (10cm) and are completely silver. Have only a few small black spots on dorsal fin. One of the morphological features visible and present in males and females of this species are its large oval eyes. The fact that they are at great depths in the lake (there are data from specimens found at a depth of 160 meters) where the light is residual, can somehow justify this particular feature.
fin caudal forks with pointed lobes with broad bands of yellow and black, the ventral fins have a clear blue-white color and pectoral fins are clear.
Females have beautiful colors of the males have a silvery color overall with 5-7 black spots on dorsal fin .
adaptation to life in the depths are evident when you see the big eyes, the silver lines on the side of the males is an adaptation because it serves as a sign of recognition for women to recognize their "fellow "in deep and dark waters (Konings, 1998).
present a carnivorous diet, and eat basically everything you can filter the sand substrate. Like most Lake arenicola species, spend much time of their filtration activity sandy substrate. In the wild they feed on insect larvae and other small invertebrates. In the aquarium can be fed with pellets of quality and / or frozen foods.
behavior and breeding species with a quiet and shy behavior can and should be kept in groups. Can We verified some persecution by males on display at the stage of the stakes, but never really comes to aggression. For males present all its color, keep more than one per aquarium. They defend their territory as a zone of free sand. It's good to put some rocks to set limits. Like other cichlids of Lake arenicola, the Xenotilapia ornatipinnis needs a large surface reservoir of small sand grain size, so they can enter their continued practice of filtrage.
can also be placed some groups of rocks and aquatic plants for X.ornatipinnis can be picked up at will. Interspecific level are timid cichlids, but they are also known to be respected by the other species. However, since individuals of this species are a little skittish and prone to panic attacks all too sudden movement, the ideal companion for this species should exhibit a relatively calm temperament. It's kind
nozzle maternal incubator. Once a female is ready for spawning, males begin to give her show of seduction, after scaring her male competitors going after the female lead to come into its territory by means of undulations of the body and fins drawn and colorful. No building nests for spawning, and this is done through a circular motion of both the two partners (similar to spawn T). The female will lay her eggs and the male fertilizes them, then the eggs being collected in the mouth by the female. The eggs vary by 15-25 per set amount and incubation occurs for about 18-20 days. After long fingerlings no major parental care, and should be removed to a maternity tank if you want to grow.
minimum aquarium size
For a small group of two males and four females, to ensure an aquarium with a minimum of 120 cm and a capacity of 240L.
Other information
This species should not be kept in aquariums that are in crowded areas as they can be easily frightened and enter a state of panic. These situations can cause injury and even jumps out of the tank, if open.
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article by Cesar da Silva and Alex Zaragoza
Photo: Cesar da Silva and Juan Arjona (Menuito)
Video: Cesar da Silva
Enjoying Tanganyika
copyright ©
Cichlid arenicola desccrito in 1901, the first specimens were collected in Kibwesi (Tanzania).
so far is a species that has no geographical variations and varieties are not known because the fish that live so deep to find no "barriers" natural, such as bays, headlands, estuaries, etc, etc are all equal and of shallower waters and are "isolated" by a rope, or a sandy beach or rock formations, as they have evolved differently.
In Lake ...
is a species of which very little is known about his life in the lake, we know that is a species We can be found at depths of up to 160 meters or 5 meters (Poll 1956). This great variation in depth believe it may be due to migration of the species, as documented in the genus Trematocara (Konings, 2003).
Studies on the captured indicate that this species has a carnivorous diet, the research conducted in the stomach contents were found copepods, ostracods, and insect larvae, as well as grains of sand and mud (Poll 1956)
sexual dimorphism
This species has a very obvious sexual dimorphism. Males are large (13cm) and have a nice soft yellow / bronze. Males also have two silver bands on their flanks. The females are smaller (10cm) and are completely silver. Have only a few small black spots on dorsal fin. One of the morphological features visible and present in males and females of this species are its large oval eyes. The fact that they are at great depths in the lake (there are data from specimens found at a depth of 160 meters) where the light is residual, can somehow justify this particular feature.
fin caudal forks with pointed lobes with broad bands of yellow and black, the ventral fins have a clear blue-white color and pectoral fins are clear.
Females have beautiful colors of the males have a silvery color overall with 5-7 black spots on dorsal fin .
adaptation to life in the depths are evident when you see the big eyes, the silver lines on the side of the males is an adaptation because it serves as a sign of recognition for women to recognize their "fellow "in deep and dark waters (Konings, 1998).
present a carnivorous diet, and eat basically everything you can filter the sand substrate. Like most Lake arenicola species, spend much time of their filtration activity sandy substrate. In the wild they feed on insect larvae and other small invertebrates. In the aquarium can be fed with pellets of quality and / or frozen foods.
behavior and breeding species with a quiet and shy behavior can and should be kept in groups. Can We verified some persecution by males on display at the stage of the stakes, but never really comes to aggression. For males present all its color, keep more than one per aquarium. They defend their territory as a zone of free sand. It's good to put some rocks to set limits. Like other cichlids of Lake arenicola, the Xenotilapia ornatipinnis needs a large surface reservoir of small sand grain size, so they can enter their continued practice of filtrage.
can also be placed some groups of rocks and aquatic plants for X.ornatipinnis can be picked up at will. Interspecific level are timid cichlids, but they are also known to be respected by the other species. However, since individuals of this species are a little skittish and prone to panic attacks all too sudden movement, the ideal companion for this species should exhibit a relatively calm temperament. It's kind
nozzle maternal incubator. Once a female is ready for spawning, males begin to give her show of seduction, after scaring her male competitors going after the female lead to come into its territory by means of undulations of the body and fins drawn and colorful. No building nests for spawning, and this is done through a circular motion of both the two partners (similar to spawn T). The female will lay her eggs and the male fertilizes them, then the eggs being collected in the mouth by the female. The eggs vary by 15-25 per set amount and incubation occurs for about 18-20 days. After long fingerlings no major parental care, and should be removed to a maternity tank if you want to grow.
minimum aquarium size
For a small group of two males and four females, to ensure an aquarium with a minimum of 120 cm and a capacity of 240L.
Other information
This species should not be kept in aquariums that are in crowded areas as they can be easily frightened and enter a state of panic. These situations can cause injury and even jumps out of the tank, if open.
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Photo: Cesar da Silva and Juan Arjona (Menuito)
Video: Cesar da Silva
Enjoying Tanganyika
copyright ©
Friday, September 24, 2010
Fairy Tales Lice Repel
One day I decided to bring me home Tanganyika, (1 ª part)
all know that an image worth a thousand words and that I base this small article about the image that reflects our tanks and we want that they emit.
all know that decorating an aquarium based on one of the various biotopes of Lake Tanganiyka is not an easy task because there are not many components we have for them, that is, looking good these biotopes we realize that the main materials for this work, unlike other biotopes from different parts of the world will basically consist of stone and sand and a very, very sparse vegetation which in my opinion and always keep in my aquarium floor.
Always and considered by recreating the Tanganiyka aquaria are the most difficult to achieve simply because of the difficulty of achieving attractive aquariums and especially sight and important point that are comfortable and appropriate for our species. Combining these two factors appears a difficult task at first glance but nothing is further from reality to imagination and everything is to spend time recreating the small space you want to assign to our cycles.
is important to me that the species that keep you comfortable in my tanks and the main thing is to know that species can be kept at home depends on their habitat strictly so that the ideal is to try to recreate as faithfully as possible the ecosystem.
To begin we need to know which species or species are going to prepare the aquarium and imagine their place in their habitat, whether in a bed of shells, in the rocky strict, or simply a buffer zone in the sand. Today
much information about it and know where the majority of species and their habits and many photographs necesidades.Disponemos underwater lake so it is easy to make a mental sketch of how we want the approach of our decor.
depends on the size of the aquarium but this is not an impediment for good landscapes that are attractive and make life easier for our fish. We will see later
decorations in different litrajes show that with a little patience and imagination can make an aquarium a real delight for the viewer to admire them.
comes the day we decided to set up an aquarium dedicated to the habitat and begin to collect materials for ello.Como for any recreation of tanganiyka start by choosing a beach adequate from my point of view shall be a neutral to slightly darker color and a fine particle size for lamprologuinos who like to dig to find this task easy, thanks to a fine sand.
One option that I favor is to mix different types of sands of different grain sizes and colors so that is certainly much more natural.
Mahale Lake Tanganyika beach, photo by Juan Molina
The photo shows a beach on the coast of Mahale, a fine-grained sand and brown. The following material
would rock though this project will play an papel secundario pudiendo ser descartadas si fuera necesario y si decidiéramos dedicar por completa la base de nuestro acuario a un autentico manto de conchas.
La estructuración y composición con rocas como e dicho antes no juega un papel importante por lo tanto yo me decantaría por situar una buena roca en un extremo o en el centro del acuario si quisiéramos incluirla en nuestro proyecto y que serviría como separación de territorios para las especies si de un acuario grande estuviéramos hablando.
Hay muchos tipos de roca y sin duda no sera en una tienda donde daremos con ellas.La mejor opción es recolectarlas directamente del campo, rió o la playa, where we find what we're looking for with ease and where we can choose between the different textures and colors that nature offers us. Especially
say before you touch this subject that when the choice of decorative material such as rocks or sand, if we are to catch the sea or the mountains have to be very conscious not to harm or hurt that area small trees ... etc by a simple rock, surely if we find around what we want without damaging nature, especially this point we have to take into account as we are not going to cost money, at least we respect the area without damaging the least ... as if we had not gone there.
Now we give a small tour of the English coast beaches, namely a small cove off the coast of Cadiz.
In the same area to do the "collection" of sand and small rocks can do placement tests with the rocks, like sand will be the same a slight idea of \u200b\u200bhow we stay in the aquarium, thus avoiding rocks take longer. Also since we have chosen this day to "collect" the best material is that before we "get to work" with sand and rocks it is best that we gave a small tour of the area around that area, in Spain we are very fortunate to have a long coastline which many have strong resemblance to the lake as you have seen on the beach photo Mahale, by that I mean that giving a single turn can see landscape made by the very nature can inspire us much time to decorate your aquarium, so I enjoy that day and its environment and above all respect it.
Leaving for the last place perhaps most important of the materials have shells undoubtedly Neothauma Tanganiyka Lake native and the most appropriate for this project and to play the most important role when it comes to being faithful to the biotope 're going to recreate.
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then we will be able to see 4 60L to 126L aquariums recreating various habitats
aquariums are two examples of community 300L and 240L
As you could see they are faithful portraits of habitats in the lake to our fish and their well-being is paramount, if we see our fish behave as if the lake was, first of all we have to give a similar environment.
In this first part we played the decoration for aquarium conchciolas in the next edition we will do other habitat habitat .... let's call!
Thanks to Javier Millan, Juan Arjona and John Molina for his photographs
article by: Alex and Alex Zaragoza Escamez
Pictures. Juan Arjona, Javier Millan and Alex Zaragoza
Enjoying- Tanganyika
all know that an image worth a thousand words and that I base this small article about the image that reflects our tanks and we want that they emit.
all know that decorating an aquarium based on one of the various biotopes of Lake Tanganiyka is not an easy task because there are not many components we have for them, that is, looking good these biotopes we realize that the main materials for this work, unlike other biotopes from different parts of the world will basically consist of stone and sand and a very, very sparse vegetation which in my opinion and always keep in my aquarium floor.
Always and considered by recreating the Tanganiyka aquaria are the most difficult to achieve simply because of the difficulty of achieving attractive aquariums and especially sight and important point that are comfortable and appropriate for our species. Combining these two factors appears a difficult task at first glance but nothing is further from reality to imagination and everything is to spend time recreating the small space you want to assign to our cycles.
is important to me that the species that keep you comfortable in my tanks and the main thing is to know that species can be kept at home depends on their habitat strictly so that the ideal is to try to recreate as faithfully as possible the ecosystem.
To begin we need to know which species or species are going to prepare the aquarium and imagine their place in their habitat, whether in a bed of shells, in the rocky strict, or simply a buffer zone in the sand. Today
much information about it and know where the majority of species and their habits and many photographs necesidades.Disponemos underwater lake so it is easy to make a mental sketch of how we want the approach of our decor.
depends on the size of the aquarium but this is not an impediment for good landscapes that are attractive and make life easier for our fish. We will see later
decorations in different litrajes show that with a little patience and imagination can make an aquarium a real delight for the viewer to admire them.
comes the day we decided to set up an aquarium dedicated to the habitat and begin to collect materials for ello.Como for any recreation of tanganiyka start by choosing a beach adequate from my point of view shall be a neutral to slightly darker color and a fine particle size for lamprologuinos who like to dig to find this task easy, thanks to a fine sand.
One option that I favor is to mix different types of sands of different grain sizes and colors so that is certainly much more natural.
Mahale Lake Tanganyika beach, photo by Juan Molina
The photo shows a beach on the coast of Mahale, a fine-grained sand and brown. The following material
would rock though this project will play an papel secundario pudiendo ser descartadas si fuera necesario y si decidiéramos dedicar por completa la base de nuestro acuario a un autentico manto de conchas.
La estructuración y composición con rocas como e dicho antes no juega un papel importante por lo tanto yo me decantaría por situar una buena roca en un extremo o en el centro del acuario si quisiéramos incluirla en nuestro proyecto y que serviría como separación de territorios para las especies si de un acuario grande estuviéramos hablando.
Hay muchos tipos de roca y sin duda no sera en una tienda donde daremos con ellas.La mejor opción es recolectarlas directamente del campo, rió o la playa, where we find what we're looking for with ease and where we can choose between the different textures and colors that nature offers us. Especially
say before you touch this subject that when the choice of decorative material such as rocks or sand, if we are to catch the sea or the mountains have to be very conscious not to harm or hurt that area small trees ... etc by a simple rock, surely if we find around what we want without damaging nature, especially this point we have to take into account as we are not going to cost money, at least we respect the area without damaging the least ... as if we had not gone there.
Now we give a small tour of the English coast beaches, namely a small cove off the coast of Cadiz.
Leaving for the last place perhaps most important of the materials have shells undoubtedly Neothauma Tanganiyka Lake native and the most appropriate for this project and to play the most important role when it comes to being faithful to the biotope 're going to recreate.
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1 .- shell bed
This biotope seems simple to play but I find it one of the most complex and tend to be more faithful to their reality and the decoration that he composed it will be a shell base and low Neothauma my point of view I find it most suitable for aquariums rather large and with good basis for this effect look really Prairie shell. The basis of our aquarium stay completely covered in them reaching the base full uncovered for Sandy, another option is to have a large number of them distributed throughout the tank but leaving chunks of bare sand without becoming so burdensome as perhaps the last option.
Here's an example of the same lake.
This could include many species as it really is a habitat that can encompass a myriad of strict shell-dwelling or not, occasional shell-dwelling fry / juvenile endless species using a time the field of shells for shelter, but few are strictly related to this type of habitat and therefore dedicate this aquarium decoration will we limit somewhat the number of species if we are in the peaceful aquarium.
One of the best species identified with the bed of shells and really taken advantage of this habitat is the Neolamprologus multifasciatus and his fellow Neolamprologus similis.
The construction of this biotope is based on sand and shells to give a more natural is better to put a good amount of sand and shells in terms we can use various types of shells, even in this case I prefer the Neothauma to give a "more Tanganikero air" to the aquarium, then we see a great example, a 100l aquarium where live a colony of Neolamprologus similis, we see that by having a lot of sand, drops and hondiduras are created as in nature giving a greater sense of naturalness.
This biotope seems simple to play but I find it one of the most complex and tend to be more faithful to their reality and the decoration that he composed it will be a shell base and low Neothauma my point of view I find it most suitable for aquariums rather large and with good basis for this effect look really Prairie shell. The basis of our aquarium stay completely covered in them reaching the base full uncovered for Sandy, another option is to have a large number of them distributed throughout the tank but leaving chunks of bare sand without becoming so burdensome as perhaps the last option.
Here's an example of the same lake.
This could include many species as it really is a habitat that can encompass a myriad of strict shell-dwelling or not, occasional shell-dwelling fry / juvenile endless species using a time the field of shells for shelter, but few are strictly related to this type of habitat and therefore dedicate this aquarium decoration will we limit somewhat the number of species if we are in the peaceful aquarium.
One of the best species identified with the bed of shells and really taken advantage of this habitat is the Neolamprologus multifasciatus and his fellow Neolamprologus similis.
The construction of this biotope is based on sand and shells to give a more natural is better to put a good amount of sand and shells in terms we can use various types of shells, even in this case I prefer the Neothauma to give a "more Tanganikero air" to the aquarium, then we see a great example, a 100l aquarium where live a colony of Neolamprologus similis, we see that by having a lot of sand, drops and hondiduras are created as in nature giving a greater sense of naturalness.
2 .- Zone sandy and rocky middle.
At this point we will cover this three habitats, the reason is very simple, not unless we had a couple formed by N.ocellatus example, it would be difficult to put a small group of 4 or 5 copies in an aquarium 100l which only decoration was the sand and the respective shells, so in this case, the rocks will help us determine territories of refuge for beleaguered copies and as decoration.
At this point we will cover this three habitats, the reason is very simple, not unless we had a couple formed by N.ocellatus example, it would be difficult to put a small group of 4 or 5 copies in an aquarium 100l which only decoration was the sand and the respective shells, so in this case, the rocks will help us determine territories of refuge for beleaguered copies and as decoration.
then we will be able to see 4 60L to 126L aquariums recreating various habitats
aquariums are two examples of community 300L and 240L
As you could see they are faithful portraits of habitats in the lake to our fish and their well-being is paramount, if we see our fish behave as if the lake was, first of all we have to give a similar environment.
In this first part we played the decoration for aquarium conchciolas in the next edition we will do other habitat habitat .... let's call!
article by: Alex and Alex Zaragoza Escamez
Pictures. Juan Arjona, Javier Millan and Alex Zaragoza
Enjoying- Tanganyika
Free Ikusa Otome Valkyrie
Match: Ectodus descampsii
1 .- SCIENTIFIC NAME: Ectodus descampsii
2 .- DISTRIBUTION: covers the costs of Zambia and the southern part of Tanzania.
4 .- HABITAT: in sandy (sand)
5 .- MORPHOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES: Ectodus The body is elongated, with a powerful tail fin. Usually obtain a total length of 14 cm in males and females somewhat smaller. Both sexes have a black ocellus ringed blue in the dorsal and ventral fins and an odd yellow tinge. Sex differences: Besides being the male slightly larger than females, males tend to be generally more robust and have the largest ocellus on dorsal fin.
6 .- SIZE: about 14 cms.
7 .- INTERSPECIFIC BEHAVIOR: moderate aggressiveness.
8 .- Intraspecific Behavior: Aggressive moderate.
9 .- DIET: Omnivore . In the aquarium accept a varied diet consisting of Artemia, Cyclops, mosquito larva black and some flake food in quality and preferably vegetable content, since they like to pick up some seaweed.
10.-ACUARIO: Inside the aquarium males do not tolerate a member of the same sex unless you have plenty of space (over 150 cm) and can be very aggressive with the females, especially when reproduction. Taking this into account and the fact that these are like swimming a lot, the tank should not be less than 130 cm for a male with several females. The decor should be based on a good layer of fine sand and some rocks that serve as a refuge for females in the incubation period. It is also possible to put some kind of plant as Vallisneria secure, since they can unearth.
11 .- REPRODUCTION: Males construct large nests of sand in a crater of about 40 cm in diameter, which attract females to spawn. Males darken their pelvic fins and throat to become more colorful and so attract females and to direct them toward the nest, while any other intruder will be driven aggressively. If this is successful, the female can hold in your mouth between 15 and 40 eggs, which incubate for 21 days approx. before releasing their fry. Usually prefer the hours of little sun for his productions (dawn, dusk).
12 .- OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: The molecular phylogeny has shown that Ectodus is more related to species such as opthalmotilapias, Cyathopharynx or aulonocranus that Xenotilapia or callochromis, forming a subfamily (Koblemuller, 2004).
Tab by Chakal and Miguel Mora
Photo: Enjoying
Varistas Tanganyika
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1 .- SCIENTIFIC NAME: Ectodus descampsii
2 .- DISTRIBUTION: covers the costs of Zambia and the southern part of Tanzania.
4 .- HABITAT: in sandy (sand)
5 .- MORPHOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES: Ectodus The body is elongated, with a powerful tail fin. Usually obtain a total length of 14 cm in males and females somewhat smaller. Both sexes have a black ocellus ringed blue in the dorsal and ventral fins and an odd yellow tinge. Sex differences: Besides being the male slightly larger than females, males tend to be generally more robust and have the largest ocellus on dorsal fin.
6 .- SIZE: about 14 cms.
7 .- INTERSPECIFIC BEHAVIOR: moderate aggressiveness.
8 .- Intraspecific Behavior: Aggressive moderate.
9 .- DIET: Omnivore . In the aquarium accept a varied diet consisting of Artemia, Cyclops, mosquito larva black and some flake food in quality and preferably vegetable content, since they like to pick up some seaweed.
10.-ACUARIO: Inside the aquarium males do not tolerate a member of the same sex unless you have plenty of space (over 150 cm) and can be very aggressive with the females, especially when reproduction. Taking this into account and the fact that these are like swimming a lot, the tank should not be less than 130 cm for a male with several females. The decor should be based on a good layer of fine sand and some rocks that serve as a refuge for females in the incubation period. It is also possible to put some kind of plant as Vallisneria secure, since they can unearth.
11 .- REPRODUCTION: Males construct large nests of sand in a crater of about 40 cm in diameter, which attract females to spawn. Males darken their pelvic fins and throat to become more colorful and so attract females and to direct them toward the nest, while any other intruder will be driven aggressively. If this is successful, the female can hold in your mouth between 15 and 40 eggs, which incubate for 21 days approx. before releasing their fry. Usually prefer the hours of little sun for his productions (dawn, dusk).
12 .- OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: The molecular phylogeny has shown that Ectodus is more related to species such as opthalmotilapias, Cyathopharynx or aulonocranus that Xenotilapia or callochromis, forming a subfamily (Koblemuller, 2004).
Photo: Enjoying
Varistas Tanganyika
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Still Bleeding After Cervical Polyp Removed
water chemistry of Lake Tanganyika Tropheus
The first publication of actual sales are dissolved in the water of Lake Tanganyika made P. Brichard.
Here is the list of salts and their concentration:
magnesium carbonate MgCO 3 | 144.0 37.2 37.2 | | ||
Soda | Na 2 CO 3 | 125.0 32'3 69.5 | | |
Potassium chloride | KCl | 59.0 15.2 84.7 | | |
calcium carbonate CaCO 3 | 30.0 7.7 92.4 | | ||
Sodium silicate | In 2 SiO 3 | 13.5 3.5 95.9 | | |
aluminate sulfate hydrate dieciocho times | Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 +18 H 2 The | 5.0 1.3 97.2 | | |
Lithium carbonate Li | 2 CO 3 | 4.0 1.0 98.2 | | |
Potassium sulphate K | 2 SO 4 | 4.0 1.0 99.2 | | |
sodium sulphate | In 2 SO 4 | 1.0 0.3 99.5 | | |
kno 3 | 0.5 0.1 99.6 | | ||
FeCl 3 +6 H 2 O | 0.5 0.1 99.7 | | ||
twelve times hydrated sodium phosphate | Na 3 PO 4 +12 H 2 O | 0.4 0.1 99.8 | |
Ideally these salts use to "copy" the water chemistry of Lake Tanganyika But the problem is almost insoluble in magnesium carbonate (salt majority, with great influence on the GH and KH) and calcium carbonate (the fourth most common salt, also with great influence on the GH and KH).
Therefore, using these salts, it is impossible to obtain values \u200b\u200bof pH, GH and KH appropriate (and many other parameters.)
The parameters that we measured in our tanks to adjust to the required conditions are pH, GH and KH.
Using an average of the latest studies on the lake, we have obtained the following values \u200b\u200bfor these three parameters:
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Simulating a correct composition of the basic compounds that exist in the lake water, obtain appropriate values \u200b\u200bof these parameters, and many other we did not measure.
a. Units
ppm - parts per million - the unit is usually employed to assess the presence of elements in small amounts in a mixture or solution. Indicates parts of solute per million parts of solvent.
mg / l - milligrams per liter - one unit is usually employed to assess the presence of elements in small amounts in a mixture or solution. Indicates the milligrams of solute in one liter of solvent.
° dH - German degree of hardness of a liquid. It is the most commonly used to measure the hardness of a liquid.
b. Relations including
• ppm = mg / l
• 1 º dH = 17.8 ppm CaCO 3
c. Definitions
• GH - total hardness - measures the concentration of magnesium ions (Mg + +) and calcium (Ca + +). The unit used to measure it º dH, but also used mg / l of CaCO 3 , the ppm of CaCO 3 , the French degree (10 ppm CaCO 3 ) and the degree American (17, 2 ppm of CaCO 3 ).
• KH - carbonate hardness - measures the concentration magnesium carbonate, calcium, sodium or other mono or divalent metal (we could say CO 3 - although it is not correct at all). It is usually expressed in ° dH.
• pH - measuring the concentration of hydrogen ions (H +). In particular, pH =- log ([H +]) , ie a greater amount of free hydrogen ions (H +), lower pH and vice versa. Since the scale is logarithmic, that means that a unit reduction in pH means an increase by 10 times the amount of free hydrogen ions or a reduction in two units in pH means an increase of 100 times amount of hydrogen ions free. For this reason we must avoid sudden fluctuations in pH. Its value ranges from 0 to 14. If less than 7 is said that the solution is acidic, its value is 7 states that the solution is neutral and if its value is greater than 7, it says the solution is basic or alkaline.
The best simulation of water from Lake Tanganyika I've seen (pH, GH, KH, conductivity, Ca + +, Mg + +, Na +, K +, CO 3 -, HCO 3 - , ...) is achieved with these salts and in this proportion:
ELEMENT FORMULA | | | Accumulated | |
Sodium bicarbonate NaHCO 3 | 505 48.42 48.42 | | ||
magnesium sulfate heptahydrate (Epson Salts) MgSO | 4 +7 H 2 The | 425 40.75 89.17 | | |
Potassium chloride KCl | 58 5.56 94.73 | | ||
Calcium chloride CaCl | 2 | 34 | 3.26 97.99 | |
sodium carbonate Na | 2 CO 3 | 21 2.01 100.00 | |
a simulation made on osmosis water, gives the following values \u200b\u200bof the parameters that concern us:
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But I must say that these values \u200b\u200bwill not be well in our tanks because they depend on other factors as the concentration of CO 2 (which depends on the aeration movement of water, stock, plant life, ...), of the materials we use in filtration (activated carbon, zeolites, which adsorb ... salts and metals) and baseline values \u200b\u200bof these parameters in the tap water.
therefore for each case should calculate the proportion of each salt.
Fortunately, you can upload whatever the GH and KH values, keeping the pH in the recommended values.
The following table I show the influence of each of these salts on the three parameters that we are interested in adding a certain amount:
SAL | mg / l pH | Variation Variation Variation | GH KH | |
NaHCO 3 | | | | |
MgSO 4 +7 H 2 O | 45.0 | | | |
CaCl 2 21.8 | | | | |
Na 2 CO 3 | | | |
To be easier to make the mixture of salts, once you have bought goods in a warehouse chemicals (better than a pharmacy, because they come much cheaper), you can use an Excel spreadsheet for the amount (or percentage) of each salt must be added to water, after entering the values \u200b\u200bof GH and KH Your initial water and the number of liters.
Enjoying Tanganyika
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Ballerina Foot On Point
Pretreatment wild by Vlado and Jorge. Content
This paper, mounted on a video, pre-treatment is carried out to 6 Tropheus sp. Bright Yellow and 8 Nkonde Tropheus sp. Real lufubu Wild, ages 9 and 12 cm. in size.
first thing we did was to separate in a container 4 or 5 l. water transport.
Nifurpirinol The first bath (5 g of Aquamor - 120 mg. Of pure Nifurpirinol - dissolved in 10 l of transport water for 20 m.) was held in the very hub of transport.
The second bathroom was done in 4 l. separate transport of water above, in which were dissolved 6 g / l. sea \u200b\u200bsalt, also at 20 m. In my opinion, the salt concentration can be increased to 10 g / l. although specialists come to dissolve up to 15 g / l.
before placing fish in an aquarium no definitive forget that you have to acclimatize to the conditions of temperature and water hardness of this. On this occasion, since all parameters (T, pH, GH and KH) were almost identical, only added 1 +1 l. aquarium water at intervals of 5 m.
The treatment is completed by adding the following three days, 15 ml. per 100 l. of Preis Coly, which helps to strengthen the defenses and, after three days, it is advisable to treat the entire aquarium where they have been introduced with metronidazole and salt.
Article: George and Vlado.
Video: Jorge and Vlado. Enjoying
copyright ©
This paper, mounted on a video, pre-treatment is carried out to 6 Tropheus sp. Bright Yellow and 8 Nkonde Tropheus sp. Real lufubu Wild, ages 9 and 12 cm. in size.
first thing we did was to separate in a container 4 or 5 l. water transport.
Nifurpirinol The first bath (5 g of Aquamor - 120 mg. Of pure Nifurpirinol - dissolved in 10 l of transport water for 20 m.) was held in the very hub of transport.
The second bathroom was done in 4 l. separate transport of water above, in which were dissolved 6 g / l. sea \u200b\u200bsalt, also at 20 m. In my opinion, the salt concentration can be increased to 10 g / l. although specialists come to dissolve up to 15 g / l.
before placing fish in an aquarium no definitive forget that you have to acclimatize to the conditions of temperature and water hardness of this. On this occasion, since all parameters (T, pH, GH and KH) were almost identical, only added 1 +1 l. aquarium water at intervals of 5 m.
Article: George and Vlado.
Video: Jorge and Vlado. Enjoying
copyright ©
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Funny Wedding Koozies Examples
- Article: Pretreatment wild Tropheus, by Jorge Bravo and Vlado
- article : Water chemistry of Lake Tanganyika, by Jorge Bravo
- Article: Xenotilapia ornatipinnis by Cesar da Silva and Alex Zaragoza
- Landscaping and construction of biotopes: One day I decided to bring me Tanganyika home, Alex and Alex Escamez Zaragoza.
- Interview: Paracyprichromis nigripinnis, as Judas.
- Match: Ectodus descampsii by Chakal and Miguel Mora
- Video: Benoit Xenotilapia chasm.
- Tanganyika-Fishroom: Alex Escamez (Cassowary) opens the door ...
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