To begin, could you briefly discuss your views on this species?
If anything I learned from this species is not as delicate as they say, at least in my case.
When I bought the first (fourth) on the first day killed a female reached touched, but from there I have never lost a copy or juvenile or adult. The only casualties I've had have been newly released fry from the mother, who are floating dead, but this has been lately I think it's because I have already too many in the same aquarium.
As an example I will say that during a water change I did wrong the calculation of sales, added a couple of unfortunate circumstances and had a drop in pH important and cyprid shell was 25 and needed several stitches Paras.
Otherwise it is a kind that I like the little problem that is in their behavior and that some
depending on how the aquarium is lit blue flashes add a touch of handsome
Is this some kind sexual dimorphism?
Well I think on this issue all we are clear. Since juvenile males begin to form the queue and have a
lira little more color than females. In adults there is no doubt what the male.
With respect to food, how often and how you feed them?
base freeze-dried food are CICLOPS. During a long season the fed daily with brine shrimp, but lately I CICLOPS and alternating with different types of scales and some of microgranules. There are problems when eating. Normally
food 2 times a day.
How are played and how frequently?
If anything it makes me sad is not having been able so far to see the time commissioning, and see that I have raised the screwed up. You must know that I have them at home but in a place like Alex and clear fishroom between work and other stories do not pass there all the time you wanted. The pre-courtship or courtship is easy to see the male courting the female and dancing in an almost vertical position.
frequency reproduction is something that has me a bit pissed off, suddenly I have 10 females incubating for a while then nothing. Not like the cyprids that if you leave them are continually raising, in fact right now I have males and females separately because I do not keep up.
In general, what behavior developed in the aquarium?:
fish are less problematic than I ever had. I have several adult males together and give no problems.
are quite static by nature, tend to approach the walls of the aquarium or large rocks and placed them in parallel position with the head down.
One thing that struck me is that the females that are incubating tend to cluster in formation
in one corner of the aquarium.
with their peers, how they behave?
For the above, total calm, even I have noticed that compared with male cyprid not overwhelm both the
females, especially if they are incubating let them calm.
Adults are very tolerant of juveniles and young fish, swim and mixed together without problems.
And with others?
I've been alone with multis and I have not had any problems, they just do not get too close to the multis.
now I have one in a 200 liter aquarium with a large colony of Multis and 6 Telma Multis vittatus and escape but to give Telma cane. I always have thought that would send Telma on Paras, but is reversed. Telma If an order is crossed with a male, it gives a warning. Females are peaceful.
Habitat and company:
- What habitat is of this species and consider what kind of scenery right for them?
deep and always with rocks, I think the rock is a must because they like to get close to them and I think that will give them a sense of security (this is my opinion)
If a community tank, with whom the would gather?
because some species will not tell you specifically, I think there are many with which you could put, I think the only requirement is that they be in behavior quiet, ie not very moved and nervous like Tropheus.
I have kept with Neolamprologus vitatus Telmatochromis multifasciatus and "shell" and the truth that no problem. but I think it would be better with Telma that are quieter than the Multis.
Tips & Care:
I think I can add little, aquarium with rocks if possible vertical and colleagues as quiet and any kind must be able to give them water. I change 20% weekly and have never had problems. As I said earlier in my case is down the myth that they are delicate, do not know what to tell other people, I talk about my experience with them and the truth is that I have proved to be a kind beautiful and quite strong.
type / size of aquarium
Although it is a kind perhaps a little static I think he needs space to swim, so I think that for a ratio of 2 / 4 it should be at least 200 liters. It can take less space, but we are talking about the fish is fairly comfortable.
Photo: Juan Arjona
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