Cichlid arenicola desccrito in 1901, the first specimens were collected in Kibwesi (Tanzania).
so far is a species that has no geographical variations and varieties are not known because the fish that live so deep to find no "barriers" natural, such as bays, headlands, estuaries, etc, etc are all equal and of shallower waters and are "isolated" by a rope, or a sandy beach or rock formations, as they have evolved differently.
In Lake ...
is a species of which very little is known about his life in the lake, we know that is a species We can be found at depths of up to 160 meters or 5 meters (Poll 1956). This great variation in depth believe it may be due to migration of the species, as documented in the genus Trematocara (Konings, 2003).
Studies on the captured indicate that this species has a carnivorous diet, the research conducted in the stomach contents were found copepods, ostracods, and insect larvae, as well as grains of sand and mud (Poll 1956)
sexual dimorphism
This species has a very obvious sexual dimorphism. Males are large (13cm) and have a nice soft yellow / bronze. Males also have two silver bands on their flanks. The females are smaller (10cm) and are completely silver. Have only a few small black spots on dorsal fin. One of the morphological features visible and present in males and females of this species are its large oval eyes. The fact that they are at great depths in the lake (there are data from specimens found at a depth of 160 meters) where the light is residual, can somehow justify this particular feature.
fin caudal forks with pointed lobes with broad bands of yellow and black, the ventral fins have a clear blue-white color and pectoral fins are clear.
Females have beautiful colors of the males have a silvery color overall with 5-7 black spots on dorsal fin .
adaptation to life in the depths are evident when you see the big eyes, the silver lines on the side of the males is an adaptation because it serves as a sign of recognition for women to recognize their "fellow "in deep and dark waters (Konings, 1998).
present a carnivorous diet, and eat basically everything you can filter the sand substrate. Like most Lake arenicola species, spend much time of their filtration activity sandy substrate. In the wild they feed on insect larvae and other small invertebrates. In the aquarium can be fed with pellets of quality and / or frozen foods.
behavior and breeding species with a quiet and shy behavior can and should be kept in groups. Can We verified some persecution by males on display at the stage of the stakes, but never really comes to aggression. For males present all its color, keep more than one per aquarium. They defend their territory as a zone of free sand. It's good to put some rocks to set limits. Like other cichlids of Lake arenicola, the Xenotilapia ornatipinnis needs a large surface reservoir of small sand grain size, so they can enter their continued practice of filtrage.
can also be placed some groups of rocks and aquatic plants for X.ornatipinnis can be picked up at will. Interspecific level are timid cichlids, but they are also known to be respected by the other species. However, since individuals of this species are a little skittish and prone to panic attacks all too sudden movement, the ideal companion for this species should exhibit a relatively calm temperament. It's kind
nozzle maternal incubator. Once a female is ready for spawning, males begin to give her show of seduction, after scaring her male competitors going after the female lead to come into its territory by means of undulations of the body and fins drawn and colorful. No building nests for spawning, and this is done through a circular motion of both the two partners (similar to spawn T). The female will lay her eggs and the male fertilizes them, then the eggs being collected in the mouth by the female. The eggs vary by 15-25 per set amount and incubation occurs for about 18-20 days. After long fingerlings no major parental care, and should be removed to a maternity tank if you want to grow.
minimum aquarium size
For a small group of two males and four females, to ensure an aquarium with a minimum of 120 cm and a capacity of 240L.
Other information
This species should not be kept in aquariums that are in crowded areas as they can be easily frightened and enter a state of panic. These situations can cause injury and even jumps out of the tank, if open.
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Photo: Cesar da Silva and Juan Arjona (Menuito)
Video: Cesar da Silva
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